united front

united front [ju:ˈnaɪtɪd frʌnt]  [juˈnaɪtɪd frʌnt] 

united front 基本解释
united front 网络解释

1. 统一战线:正如列宁在其<<帝国主义──资本主义的最高阶段>>中写道的 :统一战线 (united front) 是在动荡时期内的一种主要战术 ,可以用来调动广大的群众为一个共同的要求而斗争,也 可以增强先锋政党在工人阶级内部的威信.

2. 合阵线:无法再一枝独秀,终於1996年的国会大选中丧失多数党宝座,之后印度一直无法顺利产生拥有国会多数席位的执政党,国大党、印度人民党(Bharatiya Janata Party,BJP)及由13个小党组成的联合阵线(United Front)间互相牵制,以致政权更迭频繁,

3. 联合阵线/统一战线(大陆政治术语):141 convergence 集會銜接 | 142 united front 聯合陣線統一戰線(大陸政治術語) | 144 Hutchison Whampoa 霍金森公司和記黃浦

united front 单语例句

1. The term " new social strata " is by no means a United Front invention.

2. The United States has accused Iran of secretly developing nuclear weapons under a civilian front, a charge categorically denied by Tehran.

3. united front是什么意思

3. An official of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee reiterated the central government's stance in an interview with Xinhua yesterday.

4. Extensive cohesion and inclusiveness epitomize the core of the CPC's united front work.

5. united front的反义词

5. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that " the united front and armed struggle are the two basic weapons for defeating the enemy ".

6. This united front is so solid that it possesses the resolute will and the inexhaustible capacity to defeat every enemy and overcome every difficulty.

7. united front的解释

7. EU foreign ministers on Saturday vowed to maintain a united front on the fate of Kosovo once talks end on December 10.

8. A global united front is critical in winning the war against terrorism, an enemy that respects no national boundary.

9. united front的意思

9. An agreement to establish a united front against Japan was eventually reached and Chiang and his entourage were released on Dec 25.

10. united front是什么意思

10. The Democratic Progressive Party administration has described the mainland's offer as " united front tactics, " and flatly refused to treat the offer as an internal affair.

united front 英英释义


1. a multiethnic alliance in Afghanistan who practice a moderate form of Islam and are united in their opposition to the Taliban

    Synonym: Northern Alliance