
unload [ˌʌnˈləʊd]  [ˌʌnˈloʊd] 






unload 基本解释


及物动词卸货; 去除负担; 倾吐; 处理,倾销

不及物动词卸下货物或其它负担; 退子弹; [商]抛售(证券)

unload 反义词


unload 相关例句



1. America might be able to unload more of its grain abroad.

2. She unloaded her old car onto me.

3. Two men unloaded the truck.

4. The crew unloaded crates from the ship.


1. The ships will unload tomorrow.

unload 网络解释


1. 卸载:6.4.2 交换守护进程(kswapd)的分析 15010.3 卸载(unload)一个模块 283第三章为Linux进程调度. 进程调度是整个内核的核心,本章给出了Linux对进程的描述,对进程乃至整个内核的主要数据结构task_struct进行了较详细地描述,

2. 卸:用Bill Boomer的话讲, 这叫[装](load), 大概是[装上一车水]的意思吧[em01]; 有装就得有卸(unload)呀:

unload 词典解释

1. 卸下(货物);从…上卸货
    If you unload goods from a vehicle, or you unload a vehicle, you remove the goods from the vehicle, usually after they have been transported from one place to another.

    e.g. Unload everything from the boat and clean it thoroughly...
    e.g. They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with looted furniture.

2. 使脱手;卖掉
    If someone unloads investments, they get rid of them or sell them.

    e.g. Since March, he has unloaded 1.3 million shares.

unload 单语例句

1. Those owners who carry chemical fertilizers and pesticides have to unload and forego all merchandise that is banned in Jiaohu.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Coyote moment, suddenly realizing the dollar's value doesn't make sense and unload their holdings?

3. A rising greenback encourages investors to unload commodities bought as a hedge against inflation or weakness in the US currency.

4. unload在线翻译

4. Age and operating costs helped shape airlines'decisions on which aircraft to unload as jet fuel surged 53 percent this year through July.

5. unload的解释

5. The patients sit on folding chairs along the sidewalk in Hollywood, as students unload supplies and medical records from a truck.

6. As soon as we arrived, volunteers stepped forward to help us and the cars behind us unload.

7. unload什么意思

7. Investors and analysts said the largest apparel retailer in the world could sell itself to another company or unload some pieces.

8. The Port dispatched workers to unload the containers from the Panamanian vessel, which had to linger at the Port after the collision.

9. The man offered to help the woman after seeing her unload a large number of polythene bags from her car.

10. Fishing boats arrive here at the same time every day to unload the latest catch of freshwater snail while buyers wait to pick them up.

unload 英英释义



1. take the load off (a container or vehicle)

    e.g. unload the truck
           offload the van

    Synonym: unlade offload

2. danci.911cha.com

2. leave or unload

    e.g. unload the cargo
           drop off the passengers at the hotel

    Synonym: drop drop off set down put down discharge