
unloaded [ʌn'ləʊdɪd]  [ʌn'loʊdɪd] 





unloaded 基本解释
从…卸下货物( unload的过去式和过去分词 );摆脱;拆掉;脱手;
unloaded 网络解释

1. 卸载:平滑包丢失率超过4%的被视为堵塞(congested),低于2%的视为卸载(unloaded),介于二者之间的被视为加载(loaded). 根据每个状态接受者的数目,来决定降低、提高或保持目前的比特流. 如果超过10%的接收者都处于堵塞状态,

2. 已卸载:unload 卸出 | unloaded 已卸载 | unlock 解锁

3. 卸载的:unload 卸载 | unloaded 卸载的 | unloadedcircuit 无载电路

4. 未加填料的;卸料:unload 卸料 | unloaded 未加填料的;卸料 | unloader 卸料器

unloaded 单语例句

1. The tail of the specially designed 747 freighter swings open for huge payloads that are unloaded using the largest cargo loader in the world.

2. At one time, freight was unloaded and taken by wagon to nearby mines in Winston or Chloride.

3. unloaded

3. A China Ocean Shipping Group Company container is unloaded at a terminal in Tokyo.

4. unloaded什么意思

4. The Pacific Adventurer's remaining cargo was to be unloaded Thursday in Brisbane, where the vessel will likely undergo repairs.

5. But stock markets dived for a second day as investors unloaded assets amid escalating worries of a nuclear crisis.

6. More than half the containers bound for Milan from the Far East are unloaded in northern European ports.

7. unloaded

7. In a perfect world, goods are loaded into a container once and are unloaded only at their final destination.

8. Officers saw goods being unloaded from a van onto two speedboats at a public pier near Chui Tong Road car park.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. About 150 farmers blocked traffic and unloaded hay and tires onto the most famous shopping street in Paris.

10. Archaeologists have also uncovered artifacts on land left behind by the stranded sailors, who unloaded everything before abandoning the Investigator.

unloaded 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (of weapons) not charged with ammunition

    e.g. many people are killed by guns thought to be unloaded