
unmistakable [ˌʌnmɪˈsteɪkəbl]  [ˌʌnmɪˈstekəbəl] 

unmistakable 基本解释


unmistakable 反义词


unmistakable 相关例句



1. There was an unmistakable fault in the material.

2. The slogans are unmistakable.

unmistakable 网络解释

1. 不会错的:unmindful 不留意的 | unmistakable 不会错的 | unmoral 无道德的

2. 明白的:unmindful 不留心的 | unmistakable 明白的 | unmistakably 明白地

3. 肯定是妳:12.Love Will Keep You Up All Night 徹夜狂愛 | 13.Unmistakable 肯定是妳 | 14.Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon 愛無預警

4. 无容置疑:06 Drowning 沉溺 | 07 Unmistakable 无容置疑 | 08 How Did I Fall In Love With You? 我是怎样爱上你的?

unmistakable 词典解释

1. 清楚明白的;不会弄错的;确定无疑的
    If you describe something as unmistakable, you mean that it is so obvious that it cannot be mistaken for anything else.

    e.g. He didn't give his name, but the voice was unmistakable.
    e.g. ...the unmistakable smell of marijuana drifted down.

It's still unmistakably a Minnelli movie...
She's unmistakably Scandinavian...
He had unmistakably been waving his flag to attract the referee's attention.
unmistakable 单语例句

1. Not a word is exchanged between them but the instant emotional connection is unmistakable.

2. The upward trend in the cost of crude is unmistakable, yet oil prices have fallen back every time there has been a modest dollar rally.

3. It states in affirmative and unmistakable terms the two countries support each other's peaceful development.

4. The couple was sitting on a concrete step with a pair of paper cups bearing the unmistakable logo.

5. The result is singular, unmistakable and fascinating products across all vehicle segments.

6. His prophecy is coming into full view with unmistakable clarity before us.

7. Then came the unmistakable growl of an animal that wanted to rip my throat out.

8. Obama's criticisms were direct, while Clinton's were oblique but unmistakable.

9. unmistakable什么意思

9. Though there were no injuries, the incident reflected an unmistakable resistance to authority.

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10. The student talent show that evening exhibited the unmistakable influences of TV variety programmes and music videos.

unmistakable 英英释义


1. clearly evident to the mind

    e.g. his opposition to slavery was unmistakable

2. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

    e.g. the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields
           evident hostility
           manifest disapproval
           patent advantages
           made his meaning plain
           it is plain that he is no reactionary
           in plain view

    Synonym: apparent evident manifest patent plain