
unquestionably [ʌn'kwestʃənəblɪ]  [ʌnˈkwɛstʃənəblɪ] 

unquestionably 基本解释


unquestionably 相关例句



1. He is unquestionably the best tennis player in England.

unquestionably 网络解释

1. 无疑地:unquestionable 确实的 | unquestionably 无疑地 | unquestioned 不成为问题的

2. 确凿地,无疑地,毫无疑问地:undoubtedly,的确地,无疑地 | unquestionably,确凿地,无疑地,毫无疑问地 | show,看,表明,表演,出示

3. 无疑地,无可非议地:out of用...制成 | unquestionably无疑地,无可非议地 | fasten拴紧, 使固定, 系, 强加于

4. 确凿地,无疑韩国经典性喜剧地,毫无疑问地:sacrifice,祭祀,神圣,牺牲 | unquestionably,确凿地,无疑韩国经典性喜剧地,毫无疑问地 | absence,无,不在,空虚,缺乏,缺席

unquestionably 单语例句

1. If the central government's constitutional powers are to be respected, its Liaison Office in Hong Kong unquestionably has legitimate roles to play in SAR affairs.

2. China's auto industry is unquestionably witnessing a golden age as a result of unquenchable car demand from the increasingly wealthy population.

3. This notion has become so entrenched that something like Green Dam is unquestionably taken as an intrusion of privacy.

4. The Qixi myth is unquestionably a love story and does reflect Chinese people's yearning for faithful and lasting love.

5. unquestionably

5. Intelligent and assiduous in their undertakings, they are unquestionably ideal employees and entrepreneurs.

6. Davis called the allegations " absolutely, unquestionably false " and " sickening and outrageous ".

7. unquestionably的反义词

7. These ideas are being unquestionably accepted throughout China, which could become the next big market for incentive travel.

8. Deng Xiaoping is unquestionably the greatest leader and the most influential revolutionary figure in modern Chinese history.

9. unquestionably的翻译

9. Tailored city shorts are unquestionably the most popular style to go for?

10. Unquestionably, the ethanol craze will continue to have an impact on Latin America's children of corn.

unquestionably 英英释义



1. without question and beyond doubt

    e.g. it was decidedly too expensive
           she told him off in spades
           by all odds they should win

    Synonym: decidedly emphatically definitely in spades by all odds

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. without question

    e.g. Fred Winter is unquestionably the jockey to follow
           they hired unimpeachably first-rate faculty members

    Synonym: unimpeachably