
unreachable ['ʌn'ri:tʃəbl]  ['ʌn'ri:tʃəbəl] 

unreachable 基本解释

形容词不能达到的; 及不到的; 取不到的; 不能得到的

unreachable 网络解释


1. 不可达:一种类型被卸载的前提条件是:加载此类型的类加载器实例变为不可达(unreachable)状态,虚拟机协议中对应描述如下:

2. 遥不可及:08.Surrender 臣服 | 09.Unreachable 遥不可及 | 10.Nothing New 了无新意

3. 不可达的:高级测试:Higher order Testing | 不可达的:Unreachable | 办公桌检查:Desk Check

4. 呼叫不到转移:Unlocker for Network Lock 解网络锁 | Unreachable 呼叫不到转移 | UNREGISTERED 未注册的

unreachable 单语例句

1. The boaters were found uninjured and were being rescued from the canyon, whose floor is unreachable in many places except by helicopter.

2. I never caught him online and his cell phone was either unreachable or powered off whenever I tried to call him.

3. unreachable

3. He resorted to something unreachable and abstract to try to forget the miseries brought by ruthless reality.

4. In the real world, perfection is an unreachable state that entices us to perpetually aspire.

5. But for the poorer folk, eating " slow food " is still an unreachable dream.

6. unreachable的意思

6. Then we realized art was no longer as mysterious or unreachable as it seemed.

7. unreachable

7. The pipe was unreachable because it was underneath one of the four villas on the roof.

8. unreachable

8. Five were virtually unreachable because they're on the other side of a river without a bridge.

9. You will pass through scenic areas of outstanding beauty unreachable by foot or car.

10. It has proved that it is not an unreachable goal for mankind to eliminate poverty.

unreachable 英英释义



1. unreachable的翻译

1. inaccessibly located or situated

    e.g. an unapproachable chalet high in the mountains
           an unreachable canyon
           the unreachable stars

    Synonym: unapproachable unreached out of reach(p)