
unreliable [ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbl]  [ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbəl] 

unreliable 基本解释


形容词不可靠的,靠不住的; 不能信任的

unreliable 同义词


unreliable 反义词


unreliable 网络解释


1. 不可靠的:.TCP/IP协议族:网际协议(IP).地址解析协议(ARP).互联网控制信息协议(ICMP).用户数据报协议(UDP).传输控制协议(TCP).路由信息协议(RIP) .Telnet .简单邮件传输协议(SMTP).域名系统(DNS)等协议2).不可靠的(unreliable)无连接(conne

2. 不可靠:不可靠(unreliable)的意思是它不能保证IP数据报都是通过射频脉冲调制的或经过复杂调制的信号,在过去15至20年的时间里,随着数字通信技术的飞速发展,这一趋势也越来越明显.

3. 可靠的:完成此功能的不正式(UNDOCUMENTED)而且也不可靠的(UNRELIABLE)最新方法是,为您可以那样做. 我不建议那样去做的原因是,您可以分两次有效地转换代码,一次是从操作代码(opcode)到模板,

4. 不可信赖的:38.equal 公平的 | 39.unreliable 不可信赖的 | 40.valid 有效的、正当的

unreliable 词典解释

1. 不可靠的;不能信赖的
    If you describe a person, machine, or method as unreliable, you mean that you cannot trust them.

    e.g. Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information...
    e.g. His judgement was unreliable...

...his lateness and unreliability.
unreliable 单语例句

1. It didn't and experts say the biases and potential errors that rendered the study unreliable are difficult to avoid and very hard to adjust for.

2. He said because the GPS system service in China is free and unreliable, there will be a huge market for China's own navigation system in commercial areas.

3. From the dawn of blogging it is been tempting for established professionals to reject blogging as trivial and unreliable.

4. Washington had resisted, dismissing such testing as costly and unreliable in detecting infections among young cows.

5. Some WHO experts had suggested China's data was unreliable, as they doubted the country's ability to make correct diagnoses.

6. unreliable的意思

6. The survey revealed about 56 percent of respondents consider nuclear power " unsafe and unreliable ", compared with 25 percent holding the opposite view.

7. Today, hypnosis is generally considered to be an unreliable method of retrieving memories.

8. However the FA disciplinary commission said Suarez's evidence had been unreliable in " critically important " areas of the case.

9. First, relying on a linear curve of development to forecast the future is unreliable.

10. unreliable的意思

10. The truth is that because the timetable is both unprecedented and unpredictable it has made campaign strategists anxious and pundits unreliable.

unreliable 英英释义


1. not worthy of reliance or trust

    e.g. in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable
           an undependable assistant

    Synonym: undependable

2. liable to be erroneous or misleading

    e.g. an undependable generalization

    Synonym: undependable

3. lacking a sense of responsibility

4. dangerously unstable and unpredictable

    e.g. treacherous winding roads
           an unreliable trestle

    Synonym: treacherous