
unsaleable [ʌnˈseɪləbl]  [ʌnˈseɪləbl] 

unsaleable 基本解释



unsaleable 网络解释

1. 非卖品的:unsalable 滞销的 | unsaleable 非卖品的 | unsalted 新鲜的

2. 賣不掉的,不能賣的:unload 卸貨 | unsaleable 賣不掉的,不能賣的 | uptrend 上昇趨勢

3. 销路不好的:unsaleable 非卖品的 | unsaleable 销路不好的 | unsalutary 无益健康的

4. 非卖品的/销路不好的:unsalaried /不拿薪水/ | unsaleable /非卖品的/销路不好的/ | unsalutary /无益健康的/

unsaleable 双语例句

1. This is an important reason for the above-mentioned problem of unsaleable expensive houses.

2. If I have money to pay the bank, there is no problem as I do not need to push the sales of the unsaleable stocks.

3. The shares are unsaleable; we had better write them off.


4. When these holdings turned out to be unsaleable except at a huge loss, the disaster was exposed.

5. If a publisher rejects a novel, either the story is unsaleable or the author is unknown.

6. It is important that you bear in mind that we do not want any dark brown item, as they are unsaleable.


7. Most developers reserve the right to turn down a property they think is virtually unsaleable.


8. You can see yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unsaleable. I will suggest that it is to your advantage that you make a careful investigation (inquiry) into the damage once again.

9. This paper analyzes the current situation of domestic acrylic fiber market and reasons why the products are unsaleable and the prices are falling.

10. The goods have been so discolored and heavily saturated by rain that they are unsaleable.

11. But loading up shaky European banks with otherwise unsaleable government debt is not a sustainable solution.

12. What's left is semi-sweet, low-alcohol grape juice that is dangerously vulnerable to harmful bacteria and completely unsaleable.

13. Sportswear maker Li Ning was an early warning of what can happen & it stuffed its retailers with unsaleable stock, and was forced to buy heaps of the stuff back to salvage its brand.


14. Their calves make poor beef and are practically unsaleable.


15. Reverse logistics such as product recall, damage recoopering, returned merchandise processing, repair and finally, the destruction of unsaleable product have also become commonplace in many markets.

16. You can see for yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unsaleable.

17. D H All goods here are unsaleable.
      这里的一切货物都是卖不出去的。9 j2 G:F5 ?


18. All goods here are unsaleable.

19. The Chinese government moved swiftly to outlaw pyramid selling, after large numbers of would-be millionaires found themselves stuck with unsaleable goods on their hands

20. The Chinese government moved swiftly to outlaw pyramid selling, after large numbers of would-be millionaire s found themselves stuck with unsaleable goods on their hands

unsaleable 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 unsalable

1. 卖不出去的;没人买的
    If something is unsaleable, it cannot be sold because nobody wants to buy it.

    e.g. Most developers reserve the right to turn down a property they think is virtually unsaleable.

unsaleable 英英释义


1. unsaleable在线翻译

1. impossible to sell

    Synonym: unsalable