
unscathed [ʌnˈskeɪðd]  [ʌnˈskeðd] 

unscathed 基本解释


形容词未受损伤的; 未受伤害的

unscathed 网络解释


1. 未受伤的:unscarred 无疮疤的 | unscathed 未受伤的 | unscholarly 无知的

2. 未受损失的:unsawntimber 粗材 原木 | unscathed 未受损失的 | unscheduledinterruption 事故停电

3. 没有受伤的/未受伤的:unsay /取消/撤回/ | unscathed /没有受伤的/未受伤的/ | unscholarly /无知的/

4. 未受损伤的,未遭伤害的:bushed 疲倦的,迷路的 | unscathed 未受损伤的,未遭伤害的 | full-bodied (味道等)浓郁而强烈的

unscathed 词典解释

1. 未受伤的;未受损害的
    If you are unscathed after a dangerous experience, you have not been injured or harmed by it.

    e.g. Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger...
    e.g. East Los Angeles was left relatively unscathed by the riots...

unscathed 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. We continue to be buyers of coal miners and oil producers, as they are presumably among those business segments unscathed by the heavy snowstorms.

2. Florida's citrus growers weathered the cold largely unscathed, but strawberry and tomato growers watched Friday as some of their crops shriveled.

3. But it is clear that China has come out of the financial crisis almost unscathed, while the US has hardly registered any growth.

4. We scanned the videotape from the only closed circuit television that emerged unscathed from the fire.

5. Heads of the related departments would normally come away unscathed although poor management was often the underlying reason for specific accidents.

6. unscathed的翻译

6. Bolt admitted he wasn't entirely happy with his performance, but said at least he'd come through the race unscathed.

7. unscathed的解释

7. The economic downturn cast a gloom on consumer confidence although it remained unscathed till December, according to a recent survey.

8. Nor does it need to copy Japan's model because the neighbor to the east has escaped the subprime tsunami unscathed so far.

9. unscathed在线翻译

9. State television showed residents crowding the streets and looking unscathed, save for one woman bleeding from her head.

10. The whiff of nepotism was threatening to damage Jean's powerful father, and it was not immediately clear whether the affair would leave the French president unscathed.

unscathed 英英释义


1. not injured

    Synonym: unharmed unhurt whole