
unscrupulous [ʌnˈskru:pjələs]  [ʌnˈskrupjələs] 

unscrupulous 基本解释


形容词肆无忌惮的,不择手段的,无道德原则的; 没有节操的; 恣意

unscrupulous 同义词

形容词criminal fraudulent unprincipled crooked corrupt dishonest

unscrupulous 反义词



unscrupulous 相关例句



1. He is an unscrupulous businessman.

unscrupulous 网络解释


1. 肆无忌惮的:5、大多数的河流正在被我们肆无忌惮的(unscrupulous)污染. 6、大城市的楼房正在以飞快的速度建设. 7、写给市长的信正在像雪花一样飘进他的办公室. 8、水碓人体的作用已被我们清楚的认识到. Aster~~麻烦了~~

2. 无道德的:unscripted 不用稿子的 | unscrupulous 无道德的 | unscrupulously 不客气地

3. 不择手段的:不会吓跑外资would not discourage foreigners from investing in Hong Kong | 不择手段的unscrupulous | 不断改善产品和服务continually improving their products and services

4. 不讲道德的:typhoon 台风 | unscrupulous 不讲道德的 | uproot 连根拔

unscrupulous 词典解释

1. 不诚实的;不道德的;无道德原则的
    If you describe a person as unscrupulous, you are critical of the fact that they are prepared to act in a dishonest or immoral way in order to get what they want.

    e.g. These kids are being exploited by very unscrupulous people.
    e.g. ...the unscrupulous use of hostages.

unscrupulous 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. There is no reason cultural products should be spared the scourge of quality scandals brought on by cheap copycats and unscrupulous scam artists.

2. But many unscrupulous companies use the " imported " label when in reality their products are made in China to cheat consumers.

3. High prices lure inexperienced or unscrupulous breeders to churn out litters as quickly as possible.

4. unscrupulous

4. Sun Li achieves certain material success but is considered by many to be relentless and unscrupulous.

5. They even conspire with their families, friends and mistresses to seek benefits through unscrupulous deals.

6. The lengthy sentence you were given spared countless other unscrupulous businessmen from facing the music - whatever music there is.

7. Illegal and unscrupulous companies lie low for a while every time supervision departments crack down on them only to emerge stronger after their " hibernation ".

8. Many people said they could let down their guard when buying fruit and that they expected more harsh measures for dealing with unscrupulous activities.

9. But unscrupulous businessmen or administrative omissions at times deprive them of their due.

10. Illegal dumping of wastewater from unscrupulous enterprises has been going on for a long time because of local authorities'dereliction of duty.

unscrupulous 英英释义


1. unscrupulous的解释

1. without scruples or principles

    e.g. unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order to gain power