
unseen [ˌʌnˈsi:n]  [ʌnˈsin] 


unseen 基本解释

形容词看不见的; 未看见的; 未事先过目的; 即席的

名词即席翻译; 即席翻译的文章

unseen 相关例句



1. A large unseen orchestra was playing jazz.

unseen 网络解释

1. 看不见的:unrest 不安 | unseen 看不见的 | unspeakable 无法形容的

2. 未曾裸露的:within the face 太阳 | unseen 未曾裸露的 | of the sun. 脸面

3. 看不见:whilst rank and corruption, mining all within, infects...|而职级和腐败现象,内... | unseen.|看不见. | Confess yourself to heaven; repent what's past; avoid what is to come;|unseen.Confess自己升天;忏悔什...

4. 隐匿:Trajectory 弹道 | unseen, 隐匿, | chains which melt of themselves 镣铐自身融化

unseen 词典解释

1. 未被看到的;被忽略的
    If you describe something as unseen, you mean that it has not been seen for a long time.

    e.g. ...a spectacular ballroom, unseen by the public for over 30 years...
    e.g. We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.

2. unseen

2. 看不见的;无形的
    You can use unseen to describe things which people cannot see.

    e.g. For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience...
    e.g. There was barely time for the two boys to escape unseen.

unseen 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Another possibility is that an internationally standardized form of English will facilitate global communication in ways yet unseen.

2. The economic strategic dialogue will cover an unprecedented wide range and go into unseen depth.

3. unseen

3. Unseen footage of The Beatles'captures the " fabulous world " of the band " perfectly ".

4. Partying in the streets has reached a fever pitch unseen since the wall came down.

5. The goal went unseen by the match officials and was not given.

6. Hers is the invisible hand and guide, the unseen presence that makes the show what it is.

7. The innovative work represents the ideals and styles of younger generations, offering insight into a world often unseen by those of different times.

8. unseen什么意思

8. But Suri remains unseen, which is not unusual for a Cruise child.

9. As the Chinese economy gains increasing weight in the world, the nation is going through huge waves of deconstruction and construction unseen in centuries.

10. It is clear that US forces cannot remain fighting unseen enemies at the expense of US taxpayers forever.

unseen 英英释义


1. a belief that there is a realm controlled by a divine spirit

    Synonym: spiritual world spiritual domain


1. unseen的解释

1. not observed

    Synonym: unobserved