
unsound [ˌʌnˈsaʊnd]  [ʌnˈsaʊnd] 

unsound 基本解释


形容词不健全的; 不稳固的; 无根据的; 腐烂的

副词不健全地; 情况不佳地; 虚弱地; 有缺点地

unsound 同义词


形容词ill-advised unreasonable unwise hazardous unsafe risky illogical

unsound 反义词


unsound 相关例句


1. She is psychologically unsound.

2. That bridge looks unsound to me.

3. Don't listen to unsound advice.

4. I am afraid that it is an unsound investment.

unsound 网络解释

1. 不健全的:unsolder 脱焊焊开 | unsound 不健全的 | unsounded 未测过深度的

2. 不健康的,有病的:不平衡,失调 ; unbalanec | 不健康的,有病的 ; unsound | 暴力 ; violence

3. 不坚实的 不致密的:unsortedtable 未整理表 | unsound 不坚实的 不致密的 | unsoundcasting 不致密铸件

4. 不健全(完整)的、有缺陷的:unsolder拆焊、焊开 | unsound不健全(完整)的、有缺陷的 | unsound steel不合格钢

unsound 词典解释

1. 无根据的;似是而非的;谬误的
    If a conclusion or method is unsound, it is based on ideas that are wrong.

    e.g. The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound...
    e.g. The national tests were educationally unsound.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 不可靠的;不安全的
    If something or someone is unsound, they are unreliable.

    e.g. No sensible person would put his money in a bank he knew to be unsound.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 有危害的
    If you say that something is unsound in some way, you mean that it is damaging in that way or to the thing mentioned.

    e.g. The project is environmentally unsound...
    e.g. A diet extremely low in calories can also be a diet that is nutritionally unsound.

4. 不坚实的;不稳固的
    If a building or other structure is unsound, it is in poor condition and is likely to collapse.

    e.g. The church was structurally unsound.

unsound 单语例句

1. The department will purchase 196 new ambulances at a cost of HK $ 240 million to replace ambulances which are becoming mechanically unsound.

2. With noisy surroundings, people can get earache more easily and suffer from unsound sleep and bad memories.

3. Kennedy Airport in New York - have been amateurish, technically unsound and thoroughly penetrated by law enforcement before getting anywhere near the operational stage.

4. Structurally unsound buildings around the site of the collapsed building were also being demolished yesterday to lighten the load on the sinking ground.

5. When once owning a pet was considered politically unsound, now a proliferation of animal friendly magazines with names like Pet Pie cover the newsstands.

6. unsound的近义词

6. The police record shows that " the man with unsound mind was babbling ".

7. Despising the poor only reflects one's unsound personality and racial prejudice is an expression of shallowness.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The economic system is unsound, the economic structure is irrational and the pattern of economic growth is too crude.

9. unsound的解释

9. " That will put pressure on the unsound social welfare system of China, " Wang said.

10. People were arrested if they were found playing the game, which was officially regarded as something that represented unsound ideology.

unsound 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. of e.g. advice

2. physically unsound or diseased

    e.g. has a bad back
           a bad heart
           bad teeth
           an unsound limb
           unsound teeth

    Synonym: bad unfit

3. suffering from severe mental illness

    e.g. of unsound mind

    Synonym: mentally ill unstable

4. not sound financially

    e.g. unsound banking practices

5. not in good condition
    damaged or decayed

    e.g. an unsound foundation

6. containing or based on a fallacy

    e.g. fallacious reasoning
           an unsound argument

    Synonym: fallacious