
unsuitable [ʌnˈsu:təbl]  [ʌnˈsutəbəl] 

unsuitable 基本解释

形容词不当; 不合适的,不适宜的,不相称的; 锄悟难入

unsuitable 同义词

形容词unsatisfactory objectionable unacceptable unfit inappropriate unbecoming improper

unsuitable 反义词



unsuitable 相关例句


1. This area is unsuitable for heavy industry.

unsuitable 网络解释


1. 不适合的, 不相称的:domestic burners 民用炉 家用炉 | unsuitable 不适合的, 不相称的 | be apt for 适合

2. 不适合的:unstemmed shot 无炮泥爆破 | unsuitable 不适合的 | unsupported width 无支宽度

3. 不适当的:不能接受的,不合格的Unacceptable | 不适当的Unsuitable | 不需确认No Confirmation Will Follow

unsuitable 词典解释

1. 不适宜的;不合适的
    Someone or something that is unsuitable for a particular purpose or situation does not have the right qualities for it.

    e.g. Amy's shoes were unsuitable for walking any distance.
    e.g. ...taking heavy traffic out of unsuitable towns and villages.

unsuitable 单语例句

1. The reason is that too much American hair is dyed and chemically treated, making it unsuitable for growing food.

2. Preventing minors from becoming addicted to online games is highlighted in the regulation, which forbids online game providers from offering unsuitable games to minors.

3. A proposal to ban children from watching violent, sexually explicit or other unsuitable movies at the cinema has provoked hot debate in China.

4. According to preliminary findings released earlier last year, the crew ignored warnings that heavy fog made conditions unsuitable for landing.

5. unsuitable是什么意思

5. Foreigners who violate China's laws and regulations and are deemed " unsuitable " to stay will be given an exit deadline.

6. The country cannot afford for one of its most prosperous and most densely populated regions to become unsuitable for human habitation.

7. South Korea's parliament approved the deployment plan in February but the government delayed the planned April departure because the original destination was deemed unsuitable.

8. She said some were refusing to leave their villages despite the devastation caused by Morakot and warnings that such traditional sites are unsuitable for habitation.

9. The country's geographical environment is unsuitable for mass production, however.

10. unsuitable的近义词

10. Lovely sweaters unsuitable for my age and pretty hair ties unworkable for my short hair have been included in my purchases in the past.

unsuitable 英英释义



1. not worthy of being chosen (especially as a spouse)

    Synonym: undesirable

2. not meant or adapted for a particular purpose

    e.g. a solvent unsuitable for use on wood surfaces

3. not conducive to good moral development

    e.g. the movie is unsuitable for children

4. unsuitable什么意思

4. not capable of being applied

    e.g. rules inapplicable to day students

    Synonym: inapplicable