
untested [ˌʌnˈtestɪd] [ʌnˈtestid] 

untested 基本解释
untested 网络解释


1. 未经试验的:unterminatedline 无端接线 | untested 未经试验的 | untetheredflight 无系留飞行

2. 未經考驗的:untapped: 未利用的, 未開發的 | untested: 未經考驗的 | upcoming: 即將到來的

3. 总线烟感探测器没有测试过:总线烟感探测器测试通过...........................TESTED | 总线烟感探测器没有测试过.......................UNTESTED | 总线烟感探测器测试失败...........................FAILED

4. 未测试:TROUBLE 故障 | UNTESTED 未测试 | Uxxx ADD BY 由 新增用户xxx

untested 单语例句

1. Because of concerns about safety with the untested procedure, the researchers treated only the brain circuitry controlling one side of the body.

2. For these untested companies, differentiating themselves from the competition is difficult and attracting and holding onto customers is expensive.

3. They patch up a piece of news using untested or even fabricated information, or sink to irrational bashing and smearing.

4. untested

4. But by not rushing to endorse the central bank's untested remedy, the ministry may have done consumers a favour.

5. untested

5. I suggest that the public stop spreading rumors about the epidemic or randomly resort to untested folk prescriptions to safeguard against the disease.

6. Having misdiagnosed the ailment, policymakers have prescribed untested experimental medicine with potentially grave side effects.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Untested medicine is being used to treat the wrong ailment - and the chronically ill patient continues to be neglected.

8. Drivers have already voiced concern about the combination of rain, floodlights and an untested street circuit.

9. She has not unveiled a platform and is untested on economic and international affairs.

10. An investigation showed lab researchers used an untested method to kill the SARS virus and did not test the result of the process.

untested 英英释义



1. not tried or tested by experience

    e.g. unseasoned artillery volunteers
           still untested in battle
           an illustrator untried in mural painting
           a young hand at plowing

    Synonym: unseasoned untried young

2. not yet proved or subjected to testing

    e.g. an untested drug
           untested theory
           an untried procedure

    Synonym: untried