
untoward [ˌʌntəˈwɔ:d]  [ʌnˈtɔ:rd] 

untoward 基本解释

形容词意外的; 不顺利的; 倔强的; 难对付的

untoward 网络解释


1. 倔强的:untidy 不修边幅的 | untoward 倔强的 | untraceable 难以描绘的

2. 麻烦的:untouched 未触及的 | untoward 麻烦的 | untraceable 难以捉摸的

3. 不幸的,(坏事)没料到的:turpitude 邪恶,卑鄙(行为) | untoward 不幸的,(坏事)没料到的 | perverse 刚愎自用的,故意作对的

4. 麻烦的,不幸的:independent electoral commission 独立选举委员会 | untoward 麻烦的,不幸的 | feasible 可行的

untoward 词典解释

1. 横生枝节的;意外的
    If you say that something untoward happens, you mean that something happens that is unexpected and causes difficulties.

    e.g. The surveyor's report didn't highlight anything untoward...
    e.g. Tampering with a single enzyme can lead to untoward effects elsewhere.

untoward 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The student deserves praise for her courage to challenge a guest invited by the university, which had made elaborate arrangements to prevent untoward incidents during Tang's speech.

2. These websites dig up every detail of a person caught in an untoward situation.

3. Police officers and firefighters rushed to the spot and cut off electricity supply to the area for a few hours to avoid any untoward incident.

4. untoward的解释

4. In the event of an untoward occurrence, checks could then be made.

5. That index stood at 40 for the entire first half of 2007, seemingly without any untoward effects.

6. To prevent any possible untoward incidents, police officers were at various spots including where participants undressed and painted their bodies.

7. Special teams will patrol charged with the task of preventing any possible danger and evacuating crowds as soon as possible if anything untoward happens.

8. Such preparation for untoward emergencies is absolutely necessary in the capital city with its population of over 13 million people.

9. But resorting to untoward behavior to force a people to give up their seats is not good.

10. untoward的翻译

10. He said no one had noticed anything untoward in the days before his bloody rampage.

untoward 英英释义



1. contrary to your interests or welfare

    e.g. adverse circumstances
           made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions

    Synonym: adverse inauspicious

2. not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society

    e.g. was buried with indecent haste
           indecorous behavior
           language unbecoming to a lady
           unseemly to use profanity
           moved to curb their untoward ribaldry

    Synonym: indecent indecorous unbecoming uncomely unseemly