1. 未受教育的:unturned 未翻转的 | untutored 未受教育的 | untwine 解开
2. 未受教育的/粗野的/幼稚的:unturned /未翻转过来的/ | untutored /未受教育的/粗野的/幼稚的/ | untwine /松开搓合之线/
3. 未受教育的,无教养的:tutee 被指导者 | untutored 未受教育的,无教养的 | tuition 教,教诲,讲授
1. untutored
1. 非科班出身的;未经正式训练的
If someone is untutored, they have not been formally trained to do something, although they may be quite skilled at it.
e.g. This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers...
e.g. They had left school at fifteen and were quite untutored in writing.
1. lacking in schooling
e.g. untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient
an untutored genius
uneducated children
Synonym: unschooled untaught