
up [ʌp]  [ʌp] 






up 基本解释


副词在上面,在高处; 起床,起来; 向上; 由低到高

形容词向上的; 上升的; 竖立的,垂直的; 举起的

及物/不及物动词增加; 加速; 提高; 举起,拿起

介词在…的上端; 向高处; 沿…而去; 向…上游

名词上升,升高; 兴旺,繁荣; 上坡; (价格等)上涨

up 同义词

副词upward upwards

up 反义词


up 相关词组


1. up to : 从事于(坏事), 忙于, 胜任, 能做, 适合, 适于;

2. up and down : 到处;

3. up to date : 最近的, 最新的;

4. up for : 在选举中被提名供考虑, 在法庭受审;

up 相关例句


1. Cheer up, old boy!

2. Speak up so that everybody can hear you.

3. The money's all used up.


1. The temperature is up today.

1. Everyone works, from the lift boy up to the President.

up 情景对话


A:(Prices/ rents) have really gone up the past couple of years.


What are you up to

B:What are you up to?

A:I’m (taking it easy/ relaxing/ staying in tonight).


A:I’m brushing up on (my skills/ that subject/ my Russian).

B:That’s nice.

up 网络解释

1. <<飞屋环游记>:图1 <<飞屋环游记>>(Up),皮克斯(Pixar)年度力作,重点角逐最佳影片,最佳动画长片:图2 <<9>>,蒂姆.伯顿(Tim Burton)监制诡异新作,重点角逐最佳动画长片:

2. 不饱和聚酯:PA6T, 高温尼龙,透明尼龙及阻隔尼龙;APHAGARY的各种TPE弹性体以及各种电线电缆料;Premix的各种基材的导电塑料;COOLPOLYMER的各种基材的导热塑料;RACHIG的各种热固性塑料如酚醛树脂(PF), 不饱和聚酯(UP), 三聚氰胺聚酯(

3. up:unsaturation polyester; 不饱和聚酯树脂

4. up:unsaturated polymer; 不饱和聚酯

5. up:unearned premium; 低于标准

6. up:unified process; 统一软件开发过程

up 词典解释


Up is often used with verbs of movement such as ‘jump’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘give up’ and ‘wash up’.
常与 jump, pull等表示动作的动词连用,亦用于 give up,wash up等短语动词中。
The preposition is pronounced /ʌp/. The adverb and adjective are pronounced /ˌʌp/. 介词读作/ʌp/。副词和形容词在句中作次重读。

1. 向上;朝上;往上
    If a person or thing goes up something such as a slope, ladder, or chimney, they move away from the ground or to a higher position.

    e.g. They were climbing up a narrow mountain road...
    e.g. I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top...

2. 近顶端;靠顶端
    If a person or thing is up something such as a ladder or a mountain, they are near the top of it.

    e.g. He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees...
    e.g. The Newton Hotel is halfway up a steep hill.

3. (目光)朝上,向上
    You use up to indicate that you are looking or facing in a direction that is away from the ground or towards a higher level.

    e.g. Paul answered, without looking up...
    e.g. Keep your head up, and look around you from time to time.

4. (站)起
    If someone stands up, they move so that they are standing.

    e.g. He stood up and went to the window...
    e.g. He got up and went out into the foyer.

5. 沿着;靠着
    If you go or look up something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are up a road or river, you are somewhere along it.

    e.g. A line of tanks came up the road from the city...
    e.g. We leaned on the wooden rail of the bridge and looked up the river...

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 向(或在)某地;(尤指)向(或在)北方,向(或在)地势更高处;
    If you are travelling to a particular place, you can say that you are going up to that place, especially if you are going towards the north or to a higher level of land. If you are already in such a place, you can say that you are up there.

    e.g. I'll be up to see you tomorrow...
    e.g. He was living up North...

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 往;朝
    If you go up to something or someone, you move to the place where they are and stop there.

    e.g. The girl ran the rest of the way across the street and up to the car...
    e.g. On the way out a boy of about ten came up on roller skates...

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 上涨;增多
    If an amount of something goes up, it increases. If an amount of something is up, it has increased and is at a higher level than it was.

    e.g. They recently put my rent up...
    e.g. Tourism is up, jobs are up, individual income is up...

9. 起床的
    If you are up, you are not in bed.

    e.g. Are you sure you should be up?...
    e.g. These days all sorts of people were up at the crack of dawn...

10. danci.911cha.com

10. (时间)结束的,用完的,到点的
      If a period of time is up, it has come to an end.

      e.g. The moment the half-hour was up, Brooks rose...
      e.g. When the six weeks were up, everybody was sad that she had to leave.

11. (道路)正在整修的
      You say that a road is up when it is being repaired and cannot be used.

      e.g. Half the road was up in Leadenhall Street, so their taxi was obliged to make a detour.

12. (指棒球运动员)该上场击球的
      If a baseball player is up, it is their turn to bat.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. (电脑)已启动的,正常运转的
      If a computer or computer system is up, it is working.

14. up的解释

14. 去你的!去你妈的!
      People sometimes say 'Up yours!' as an insult when you have said something to annoy them or make them angry.

      e.g. 'Up yours,' said the reporter and stormed out into the street.

15. up在线翻译

15. 可以下床走动
      If someone who has been in bed for some time, for example because they have been ill, is up and about, they are now out of bed and living their normal life.

      e.g. How are you Lennox? Good to see you up and about.

16. 不对劲;出问题
      If you say that something is up, you mean that something is wrong or that something worrying is happening.

      e.g. What is it then? Something's up, isn't it?...
      e.g. Mr. Gordon stopped talking, and his friends knew something was up.

17. 出什么事啦?出什么问题啦?出什么毛病啦?
      If you say to someone 'What's up?' or if you tell them what's up, you are asking them or telling them what is wrong or what is worrying them.

      e.g. 'What's up?', I said to him. — 'Nothing much,' he answered...
      e.g. Let's sit down and then you can say what's up.

18. 上上下下;来来回回
      If you move up and down somewhere, you move there repeatedly in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

      e.g. He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match...
      e.g. I strolled up and down thoughtfully before calling a taxi...

19. up的反义词

19. 兴衰;浮沉;起落;悲欢
      If you have ups and downs, you experience a mixture of good things and bad things.

      e.g. Every relationship has a lot of ups and downs...
      e.g. The organisation has had its ups and downs.

20. 欣欣向荣;兴旺;红火
      If something is on the up or on the up and up, it is becoming more successful.

      e.g. They're saying that the economy is on the up...
      e.g. It was a great year for music, people had money, opportunities, hope—things were on the up and up.

21. up在线翻译

21. 安分守己;诚实可靠
      If someone is on the up and up, they are honest and sincere.

      e.g. I'm a pretty good judge of men. If you're honest and on the up and up, I'll be able to tell it.

22. up in arms -> see arm


1. 胜任;有能力
    If you feel up to doing something, you are well enough to do it.

    e.g. Those patients who were up to it could move to the adjacent pool...
    e.g. He wasn't at all sure Sarah was up to that...

2. 搞小动作;做手脚
    To be up to something means to be secretly doing something that you should not be doing.

    e.g. Why did you need a room unless you were up to something?...
    e.g. They must have known what their father was up to...

3. 由…负责
    If you say that it is up to someone to do something, you mean that it is their responsibility to do it.

    e.g. It was up to him to make it right, no matter how long it took...
    e.g. I'm sure I'd have spotted him if it had been up to me...

4. 直至;直到
    Up until or up to are used to indicate the latest time at which something can happen, or the end of the period of time that you are referring to.

    e.g. Please feel free to call me any time up until half past nine at night...
    e.g. Up to 1989, the growth of per capita income averaged 1 per cent per year.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 高达;多达
    You use up to to say how large something can be or what level it has reached.

    e.g. Up to twenty thousand students paid between five and six thousand dollars...
    e.g. It could be up to two years before the process is complete.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. 马马虎虎;不怎么样
    If you say that something is not up to much, you mean that it is of poor quality.

    e.g. My own souffles aren't up to much...
    e.g. This business isn't up to much.

7. 在被考虑之列
    If someone or something is up for election, review, or discussion, they are about to be considered.

    e.g. A third of the Senate and the entire House are up for re-election.

8. 遭遇,面临(困难或问题)
    If you are up against something, you have a very difficult situation or problem to deal with.

    e.g. The chairwoman is up against the greatest challenge to her position...
    e.g. They were up against a good team but did very well.

9. up to your ears -> see ear
    up to the mark -> see mark
    up to par -> see par
    up to scratch -> see scratch



1. 提高;提升;增加
    If you up something such as the amount of money you are offering for something, you increase it.

    e.g. He upped his offer for the company...
    e.g. Chemist stores upped sales by 63 percent...

2. (常指突然)离开,走开
    If you up and leave a place, you go away from it, often suddenly or unexpectedly.

    e.g. A man who for months had been dropping amorous hints about a long-term relationship upped and disappeared to America...
    e.g. One day he just upped and left.

up 单语例句

1. Students line up for an interview during a job fair at the University of International Business and Economics on March 11.

2. up在线翻译

2. Each year thousands of Chinese mainlanders come to the Philippines to do business, and more and more end up settling in the country.

3. up的近义词

3. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

4. up

4. He quit a stable job as an English teacher at Peking University and started up a business to help students develop their English skills.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. As the holiday season approaches, new economic indicators show a business activity firming up and rising consumer confidence and spending.

6. up的近义词

6. I can only pray that some of these parents will wake up and begin to act responsibly for a change.

7. GOP Senate leaders said they did not act lightly in asking Craig to give up his leadership posts temporarily.

8. Many banks are setting up departments for SME loan business, according to Zhou.

9. up

9. I like to be able to stand up and look a man in the eye when I'm talking business.

10. The business management and operation capability was obviously unable to catch up with the rapidly increasing business scale.

up 英英释义


1. raise

    e.g. up the ante


1. open

    e.g. the windows are up

2. up是什么意思

2. getting higher or more vigorous

    e.g. its an up market
           an improving economy

    Synonym: improving

3. being or moving higher in position or greater in some value
    being above a former position or level

    e.g. the anchor is up
           the sun is up
           he lay face up
           he is up by a pawn
           the market is up
           the corn is up


1. spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position

    e.g. look up!
           the music surged up
           the fragments flew upwards
           prices soared upwards
           upwardly mobile

    Synonym: upwards upward upwardly

2. to a later time

    e.g. they moved the meeting date up
           from childhood upward

    Synonym: upwards upward

3. to a more central or a more northerly place

    e.g. was transferred up to headquarters
           up to Canada for a vacation

4. nearer to the speaker

    e.g. he walked up and grabbed my lapels

5. to a higher intensity

    e.g. he turned up the volume