
updated [ʌp'deɪtɪd]  [ʌp'deɪtɪd] 







updated 基本解释
最新的;现代化的;适时的;校正的;更新,使现代化( update的过去式和过去分词 );向…提供最新信息;
updated 网络解释


1. 更新:为网络设备(或者嵌入式设备)添加OSGI的服务平台,就为设备添加了在网络上的任何地方来对其软件组件的生命周期进行管理的能力. 软件组件能够被随意的安装(installed),更新(updated),或者卸载(remove)而不会对整个设备的核心控制产生任何影响.

2. 最新的:当然,这些作品是属於最新的(updated)资料,才有价值. 总之,卷宗评量就其革新传统评量方式而言,的确有其价值,所以在美国有些州,如宾州(Pennsylvania)的匹兹堡学区、佛蒙特州(Vermont)...等都在试行卷宗评量;此外,

3. 升级:staged 筹备、举行 | updated 升级 | visualized 想象、显现

updated 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The latest numbers updated statistics released by the China Internet Network Information Center in July, which said the number of users had reached 485 million in June.

2. updated的近义词

2. The department said it planned to have an updated " Cost of Raising a Child Calculator " on the Internet soon.

3. updated的反义词

3. And the hukou will not have information contained in it updated until a census is conducted.

4. updated在线翻译

4. But the sample census did not release the updated population of the country.

5. Technology will be updated in the chemical, food processing and building materials industries.

6. The latest updated regulation banning child labour was released yesterday, underlining the nation's reinforced determination to protect the rights and interests of children.

7. In addition to modernizing the products, production technologies were updated to optimize processing procedures and simplify the materials used.

8. The key to success of conservation programs are perfect combination of updated technologies and effective measures of conservation.

9. Commentary will be emphasized and news broadcast is to be updated every 15 minutes on the CCTV news channel.

10. To make those government websites an interactive communication channel, operators should put more useful and updated information onto the Internet.