
uplifted [ˌʌpˈlɪftɪd] [ʌpˈliftid] 







uplifted 基本解释


动词举起( uplift的过去式和过去分词 ); 振作; (社会、道德等)发展; 使上升

uplifted 网络解释


1. 举起的, 上升的:colour encoding camera 彩色编码摄象机 | uplifted 举起的, 上升的 | angostura tincture 安古树酊

2. 举起的:uplift 高扬 | uplifted 举起的 | uplink 向上传输

3. 使上升/隆起:29.equinox 春分/秋分 (n.) | 54. uplifted 使上升/隆起 (v.) | 30.astronomical 天文(学)的 (adj.)

uplifted 词典解释

1. (脸或手臂)扬起的,抬起的
    If people's faces or arms are uplifted, they are pointing them upwards or are holding them up.

    e.g. The men support the ballerinas, who pose with their uplifted arms.
    e.g. ...her white, uplifted chin.

2. 昂扬的;振奋的;鼓舞的;兴奋的
    If something makes you feel uplifted, it makes you feel very cheerful and happy.

    e.g. ...people whose presence left you feeling uplifted, happy and full of energy.
    e.g. ...a smile so radiant that he felt uplifted by it.

uplifted 单语例句

1. uplifted

1. Legislation and law enforcement level shall be consistently uplifted and the legal supervision system and legal service assistance system shall be further improved.

2. uplifted

2. She has uplifted hundreds of millions of citizens from poverty to reasonably good and comfortable living.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. " The screening made me feel very uplifted, " said Williams.

4. The traditional cultural system not only uplifted men and debased women, it also had a principle of respect at its core.

5. Two major events have further uplifted local confidence and with it investment and overall growth of the local economy.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. He said he has been touched countless times by heartwarming encounters with children whose lives have been uplifted by music.

7. uplifted

7. If that is how you feel on this most special of days, prepare to be uplifted!

8. He says that the Games have uplifted east London in many ways.

9. In addition to the enlarged service to businessmen, the bank on Monday also uplifted the limit for personal RMB cash exchange and remittance.

uplifted 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. exalted emotionally especially with pride