1. 尿素:(1) 尿素(urea)的生成 Urea Biosynthesis1932,德国学者Hans Krebs 提出尿素循环(urea cycle)或鸟氨酸循环(ornithine调节:N-乙酰谷氨酸(AGA)为变构激活剂 意义:其活性可作为肝细胞分化程度的指标鸟氨酸循环的小结有A 位(acceptor site)和P位(donor site).活性的成熟蛋白质过程 新生肽链的折叠:折叠酶(foldase)或分子伴侣.
2. 脲:中文: 利用荧光光谱和紫外光谱研究了脲(Urea)对牛血清白蛋白(BSA)结构的影响以及氧氟沙星(Oflx)与脲诱导的BSA结合的情况.
3. 尿酸:对昆虫调节氮代谢作用的机制,则很少了解,尤其昆虫对蛋白质的摄取和消化作用,氨基酸吸收,最后尿酸(Urea)排泄. 其他尿囊素(Allanotin)、尿素(Urea)及氨,这些都与马氏管的生理特性有关,而马氏管主要的功能在於调节体内水分、盐类和氮等平衡状态.
4. 素:并 明此S型6) 抑制剂 (inhibitor) 与 负效应物 (negative effector) 可影响酵素活性,其差别在於后者16) 蛋白质激脢 (protein kinase) 的催化反应本身 是可逆的,因此蛋白质的磷酸化可以其27) 素 (urea) 可导致酵素变性的原
1. Melamine resin is manufactured by mixing urea with formaldehyde under heat and pressure.
2. urea
2. Statistics from the China nitrogenous fertilizer industry association show the country's total output of urea decreased by about 1 million tons this year.
3. The fertilizers affected by the new tariffs include urea and diammonium phosphate.
4. Revenue from urea products, polyolefin products and railway vehicles topped 2 billion yuan.
5. But some analysts said it might even be raised to 185 percent for urea.
6. China Blue Chemical now has three urea production facilities, two methanol facilities and other auxiliary facilities.
1. the chief solid component of mammalian urine
synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide and used as fertilizer and in animal feed and in plastics
Synonym: carbamide