
useless [ˈju:sləs]  [ˈjuslɪs] 

useless 基本解释

形容词无用的,无效的; 无价值的; 差劲的; 不怎么样的

useless 同义词


形容词worthless fruitless ineffectual

useless 反义词


useless 网络解释

1. 一无是处:直到新任统帅来到前线,下令撤退. 格兰特把农场换成了圣路易斯城里的一栋房子,和朱丽亚的一位表兄弟一起做房地产经济人,几个月后还是一事无成. 知道他们的人们开始议论,朱丽亚非人,尤里西斯(Ulysses) 应该被称为一无是处(Useless) .

useless 词典解释

1. 无用的;无价值的
    If something is useless, you cannot use it.

    e.g. He realised that their money was useless in this country...
    e.g. Computers would be useless without software writers.

His right arm hung rather uselessly.
The car had rusted almost to the point of uselessness.

2. 无益的;无效的;不能收到效果的
    If something is useless, it does not achieve anything helpful or good.

    e.g. She knew it was useless to protest.
    e.g. ...a useless punishment which fails to stop drug trafficking.

Uselessly, he checked the same pockets he'd checked before.
...the uselessness of their research.

3. 差劲的;不行的
    If you say that someone or something is useless, you mean that they are no good at all.

    e.g. Their education system is useless...
    e.g. He was useless at any game with a ball.

4. 无能的;无用的
    If someone feels useless, they feel bad because they are unable to help someone or achieve anything.

    e.g. She sits at home all day, watching TV and feeling useless.

...the sense of uselessness and the boredom of empty days.
useless 单语例句

1. But the system did not require a spot check of the officials'reports before, making the system almost useless in the fight against corruption.

2. Harbin sported a chilling minus 28 degrees that evening, turning even three layers of skiwear into useless clothing for keeping out the cold.

3. useless什么意思

3. Chinese writer Mo Yan said literature is useless compared with science in his Nobel banquet speech at Stockholm City Hall on Monday.

4. But Zhou of Renmin University said it will be useless if companies and agencies collude with each other.


5. He told passengers it was useless to complain and cry and instead encouraged them to turn to other means of transport to get home.

6. useless在线翻译

6. But officials say their efforts to alleviate poverty and create a modern Liberia are useless without it.

7. useless的翻译

7. She often smashed things and punched Dad, saying how blind she was to marry a useless man.

8. Americans read this as affirmation of their belief that all intervention was useless.

9. useless的反义词

9. We hope more doctoral candidates can spare time doing practical researches rather than fabricating those useless papers.

10. It is useless to rely on cutting interest rates to boost the economy.

useless 英英释义


1. having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully

    e.g. a kitchen full of useless gadgets
           she is useless in an emergency