
usurp [ju:ˈzɜ:p]  [ju:ˈzɜ:rp] 






usurp 基本解释


及物动词篡夺; 盗用; 侵占,霸占; 夺取,强夺

不及物动词篡夺; 篡权; 侵占; 侵害

usurp 同义词

动词take over assume overthrow take charge control

usurp 反义词


usurp 相关例句


1. That magazine usurped copyrighted material.

2. Their position enabled them to usurp power.

usurp 网络解释


1. 篡夺:英国人对司法、议会和行政之间的微妙关系相当敏感,他们的法官非常谨小慎微,有着很好的平衡感,不会、也不敢去篡夺(usurp)立法机关或者行政机关的权力. 法院在发挥司法能动性发展行政法方面,必须首先解决的问题是:什么叫法院合法地发展法律?

2. 篡夺、侵占:94、statutory 法令的、法定的 | 95、usurp 篡夺、侵占 | 96、usufructuary 有用益权者

3. 霸:usual 平常的 | usurp 霸□ | utensil 用具

4. 篡夺; 霸占:unctuous 油滑的, 假殷勤的, 谄媚的 | usurp 篡夺; 霸占 | vacuous 空虚的, 内容贫乏的, 无意义的

usurp 词典解释

1. usurp的翻译

1. 夺取;篡夺;侵占
    If you say that someone usurps a job, role, title, or position, they take it from someone when they have no right to do this.

    e.g. Did she usurp his place in his mother's heart?...
    e.g. The Congress wants to reverse the reforms and usurp the power of the presidency.

usurp 单语例句

1. Arroyo countered that her actions actually protected civil liberties from those who wanted to usurp them.

2. YES Coffee will eventually usurp tea as China's drink of choice just as surely as cars are relegating bicycles to second fiddle.

3. His critics also accused him of trying to usurp royal power and being disrespectful to the king.

4. usurp什么意思

4. But he was again foiled in his attempt to usurp Park in the 400m and came in second to the Korean in Shanghai.

5. BEIJING - If business is a jungle where the lion is king, then the wolves are looking to usurp the throne.

6. The story focuses on the protagonist's power lust, which leads him to try to usurp the throne.

7. But its sense of melody is what enabled it to usurp a top spot in the music world.

8. They also accuse the multimillionaire of trying to usurp the king's authority.

9. Countries that blame others of trying to usurp the leadership role may be the ones that want to be the leaders themselves.

10. Suspected rebels have been targeting migrants from outside the state who they claim usurp the local population's job opportunities.

usurp 英英释义



1. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force
    take as one's right or possession

    e.g. He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town
           he usurped my rights
           She seized control of the throne after her husband died

    Synonym: assume seize take over arrogate

2. take the place of

    e.g. gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke