V [vi:]  [vi:] 

V 基本解释



abbr.对抗; 非常

V 网络解释


1. upbeat:slippery 滑的,问题棘手的 | upbeat 弱拍,上升,兴旺;v,乐观的 | clannish 氏族的,部落的;抱成一团的,排外的

2. contest n:contention --n.争夺,争论,争辩,论点 | contest --n.论争,竞赛;v.,争论,争辩,竞赛,争夺 | continual --adj.连续的,频繁的,持续不断的

3. clash:clash, 冲突,撞击声,抵触;V,使发出撞击声,猛撞,冲突, | crash,碰撞 | crush,压碎,镇压

4. coil:coarse 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的,粗俗的 | coil (一)圈,(一)卷,线圈,v,盘绕,卷 | collective 集体的,共同的,团体,集体

5. v:visualization; (音乐)可视化处理

6. v:version; 版本

7. v:overflow; 溢出

8. v:virtual; 虚拟

9. v.:versus; 对

10. v.:vault; 撑竿跳高

V 词典解释

1. V的近义词

1. 英语字母表的第22个字母
    V is the twenty-second letter of the English alphabet.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. (用于首字母为v的一些单词的缩写,如verse, versus, very和volt)
    V or v is an abbreviation for words beginning with v, such as 'verse', 'versus', 'very', and 'volt'.

    e.g. ...Newcastle United v Leicester City.

V 单语例句

1. V是什么意思

1. Based on reports by Chinese media outlets, both the launch and landing of Shenzhou V will take place during daylight.

2. Fronting the current lineup is by Tim V, a true " Cockney geezer " from East London.

3. V的解释

3. China's first man in space was Colonel Yang Liwei, who orbited Earth 14 times aboard Shenzhou V craft in October 2003.

4. Signals received in the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center indicated that the orbital module of Shenzhou V was operating smoothly.

5. V的翻译

5. Article V of the NATO Charter stipulates that an attack on one member is to be considered an attack on all.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. But no one can deny its strength and agility or Henry V would not order his troops to " imitate the action of the tiger ".

7. The blog does not feature a " V " emblem, a mark which indicates that the blog owner's identity has been verified by Sina Weibo.

8. V在线翻译

8. Emerging East Asia's " V for victory " may still be far away.

9. Beijing announced that it would upgrade its vehicle emission standard to Euro V in around 2012 to further cut tail gas and better air quality.

10. Its water quality was rated Category V - not fit for drinking.