
valid [ˈvælɪd]  [ˈvælɪd] 

valid 基本解释

形容词有效的; 有法律效力的; 正当的; 健全的

valid 同义词

形容词authorized cogent adequate established proven true good legal effective well-grounded lawful sound

valid 反义词

形容词invalid false fallacious

valid 相关例句


1. Her argument is valid.

2. The ticket is valid for one month.

valid 网络解释

1. 正确的:正理学派所构作的这个两难式的论证,固然是正确的( valid )论证,但是,问题是它的三个前提都是真的吗?依 据逻辑原理,一个正确的论证,如果出现了假的前提,其结 论仍然有可能是错误的. 我人将在下文介绍龙树的观点;依照他的观点,

2. 合法:HTML 面向文本、信息发布,HTML 容许混乱;XML 面向数据、数据处理,XML 要求工整(well-formed)合法(Valid用户可用 XML 创建自己的 HTML. 中国站长.站版权申明:本站文章均来自网络.5、XML 是信息的对象化语言.

valid 词典解释

1. valid什么意思

1. 有根据的;正当的;合理的
    A valid argument, comment, or idea is based on sensible reasoning.

    e.g. They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting...
    e.g. It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill, from which all others derive...

The editorial in the Financial Times says this argument has lost much of its validity.

2. 有意义的;有效的
    Something that is valid is important or serious enough to make it worth saying or doing.

    e.g. Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.

...the validity of making children wear cycle helmets.

3. valid的意思

3. (票证等)有效的
    If a ticket or other document is valid, it can be used and will be accepted by people in authority.

    e.g. For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport...
    e.g. All tickets are valid for two months.

4. see also: validity

valid 单语例句

1. Chinese military personnel on active duty With valid IDs issued by the army or armed police forces.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. But he conceded that he did not know whether Celestine held a valid visa.

3. The US Court of Federal Appeals for the Federal Circuit in late April affirmed a previous ruling by ITC that Energizer's claim was not valid.

4. The prerequisite condition for initiating domain name lawsuits is having legitimate and valid civil rights for the domain names.

5. The company claimed it had made it clear in its promotion that only coupons issued by its official websites would be valid.

6. valid的翻译

6. But no matter how good a local government's intentions are it cannot force a cyber caf to close down without a valid and legal reason.

7. Company industry and commerce business license or other valid documentation proving employment unit qualifications, and duplicated copy.

8. valid

8. More than 200 laws in these categories exist as well as 600 valid administrative regulations, according to Xiao.

9. valid

9. The offer is not valid in conjunction with other discounts or promotions and excludes 15 percent service charge.

10. Zhang offered assurances that Dongyue entered into valid contractual arrangements with third parties and legally contracted for the required intellectual property rights.

valid 英英释义


1. still legally acceptable

    e.g. the license is still valid

2. well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force

    e.g. a valid inference
           a valid argument
           a valid contract