
variation [ˌveəriˈeɪʃn]  [ˌveriˈeɪʃn] 



variation 基本解释

名词变化,变动; 变异,演变; 变奏曲; 变量

variation 相关例句


1. There are variations in prices from store to store for the product.

2. Its brightness showed slight variations in intensity, though its general shape remained unchanged.

3. The prices for food are subject to variation.

4. The song sounds like a variation of a very old and familiar tune.

5. Prices are subject to variation.

variation 网络解释


1. 波动:测量值波动(Variation)和频率(Frequency)随时都是在中心线一定范围内,说明过程稳定. 对真正的成功者来说,不论他的生存条件如何,都不会自我磨灭

variation 词典解释

1. (同一事物略微的)变化形式
    A variation on something is the same thing presented in a slightly different form.

    e.g. This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare...
    e.g. Many theories on punishment exist, all of which are variations on a theme.

2. (等级或数量的)变化,变动,变更
    A variation is a change or slight difference in a level, amount, or quantity.

    e.g. The survey found a wide variation in the prices charged for canteen food...
    e.g. Every day without variation my grandfather ate a plate of cold ham.

variation 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Each celeb had their own variation on the runway walk and their performances and camera mugging moments delighted the audience.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. There is also a striking variation in the frequency of childless women according to their race or origin.

3. Some of Hokkaido's inland areas have a continental climate, with large daily and yearly temperature variation.

4. Lai said it was normal for the government to issue a " variation order ", asking the contractor to change some sequences and details of the project.

5. Another variation on the term is " cosmonaut ", coined during the Soviet space era.


6. Their report says the results support the hypothesis that variation in vitamin D levels through sunlight exposure lies behind the differences in survival.

7. A local vet said a rare genetic variation had caused the deformity.

8. variation的翻译

8. Some variation of the original design is used by some 90 percent of Paralympics athletes on the world stage.

9. variation

9. Zhang said the results represent people aged between 16 and 40 and may see big variation with additional voting through the end of the conferences.

10. The variation of pathogens are fast and more and more viruses are showing drug resistance.

variation 英英释义



1. an activity that varies from a norm or standard

    e.g. any variation in his routine was immediately reported

    Synonym: variance

2. the act of changing or altering something slightly but noticeably from the norm or standard

    e.g. who is responsible for these variations in taxation?

3. (ballet) a solo dance or dance figure

    Synonym: pas seul

4. an artifact that deviates from a norm or standard

    e.g. he patented a variation on the sandal

5. something a little different from others of the same type

    e.g. an experimental version of the night fighter
           a variant of the same word
           an emery wheel is the modern variation of a grindstone
           the boy is a younger edition of his father

    Synonym: version variant edition

6. a repetition of a musical theme in which it is modified or embellished


7. an instance of change
    the rate or magnitude of change

    Synonym: fluctuation

8. (biology) an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration

    Synonym: mutant mutation sport

9. variation的意思

9. (astronomy) any perturbation of the mean motion or orbit of a planet or satellite (especially a perturbation of the earth's moon)

10. variation的反义词

10. the process of varying or being varied

11. the angle (at a particular location) between magnetic north and true north

      Synonym: magnetic declination magnetic variation