vegetable oil

vegetable oil [ˈvedʒitəbl ɔil]  [ˈvɛdʒtəbəl ɔɪl] 

vegetable oil 基本解释

植物油; 菜油; 素油

vegetable oil 网络解释

1. 植物油:植 物油(Vegetable Oil):卸妆效果佳,对肌肤又有滋润性,安全度高,然而因为有些植物油触感较为黏腻,如橄榄油(Olive Oil)、小麦 胚芽油等(Wheat Germ Oil),所以通常只是添加少量比例于卸妆油中,而较为清爽的植物油有葵花油(Sunflower Oil)、葡萄子油 (Grape Seed Oil)等等.

2. 蔬菜油:即所谓的蔬菜油(vegetable oil)、坚果油(kernel oil)等. 这类植物油的成分稳定、...

3. 素油:市场上的素油(vegetable oil)一般是多种植物油的混合油,各种油的比例因牌子产地等会有所不同. 据说美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)的头,就是那位鲍威尔将军的儿子,用过一次skype之后大叫一声:电话公司活到头啦. 然后他就呼啦啦批了一堆电话公司合并申请,

4. 菜油:基础油主要是提炼自植物、果实的油类,即所谓的蔬菜油(vegetable oil)、坚果油(kernel oil)等. 这类植物油的成分稳定、分子小,不具挥发性,又未经化学提炼,在与精油调和时,不但可以稀释其浓度,协助精油迅速经由皮肤吸收,还能平衡与稳定精油,

vegetable oil 单语例句

1. Doctors say trans fat - listed on food labels as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil - can raise bad cholesterol and lower healthy cholesterol.

2. Discounted loans often go to projects that have to do with grain, cotton and vegetable oil processing.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Projects enjoying the discounted loans primarily deal with grain, cotton and vegetable oil processing.


4. The premier said the government will boost the production of daily necessities such as grain, vegetable oil and meat to stabilize prices.

5. vegetable oil在线翻译

5. Fuel consumption for vegetable oil is similar to diesel, which gets 20 to 30 percent better mileage than gasoline.

6. vegetable oil是什么意思

6. It's topped off with a piping hot red earthen pot filled with boiling vegetable oil.

7. The cream and whiskey are homogenized to form an emulsion, with the aid of an emulsifier containing refined vegetable oil.

8. With that much fat, it is like swallowing 13 teaspoons of vegetable oil in one setting!

9. Heat up 2 tbsp vegetable oil in the frying pan and fry the dried shrimp mixture until fragrant.

10. Trans fats are listed on food labels as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

vegetable oil 英英释义

vegetable oil是什么意思


1. any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants

    Synonym: oil