
vegetation [ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn]  [ˌvɛdʒɪˈteʃən] 

vegetation 基本解释

名词植物(总称),草木; [医]赘生物,增殖体; 无所作为的生活,单调的生活; [植]营养体生长,发育

vegetation 相关例句


1. Forests and jungles have thick vegetation.

vegetation 网络解释


1. 植被:我们可以认识如何在ModelBuilder环境下通过绘制数据处理流程图的方式实现空间分析过程的自动化,加深对地理建模过程的认识,对各种GIS分析工具的用途有深入的理解. 数据:矢量数据:研究区界线(Study Area)、植被(Vegetation),栅格数据:土壤类型栅格(Soilsgrid)

2. 赘生物:④ 赘生物(vegetation) 指发生在心瓣膜上的附壁血栓,常由血小板和纤维蛋白组成,实质为白色血栓.气体栓塞(gas embolism)包括空气栓塞和氮气栓塞.贫血性梗死(anemic infarction)主要是动脉阻塞的结果,常发生在组织结构比较致密和侧枝血管细而少的器官如脾,

3. 植物:硫化氢系植物(vegetation)、土壤、死水(stagnant water)及动物排泄物中的硫酸盐(sulphate)经细菌分解后演变而来. 在大气中,它很容易被氧化成二氧化硫且经雨水带至地面. 在某些好氧性(aerobic)土壤中,特定的细菌将二氧化硫转换成硫酸盐.

4. 被:植物群落是由一定种类的植物在一定的生境条件下所构成的有机整体. 地球表面全部植物群落的集合,称为植被(vegetation). 植物群落是植被的基本单元,也是生物群落的重要组成成分.

vegetation 词典解释

1. 植被;植物;草木
    Plants, trees, and flowers can be referred to as vegetation .

    e.g. The inn has a garden of semi-tropical vegetation.
    e.g. ...a smell of gently-rotting vegetation.

vegetation 单语例句

1. The small canyon is a perfect place for scientific expedition and education, and also a natural oxygen bar and summer resort with lush vegetation.

2. Farmers also grow cash crops on sandy lands to improve vegetation and increase earnings.

3. vegetation是什么意思

3. Northern Canadian vegetation tapers from coniferous forests to tundra and finally to Arctic barrens in the far north.

4. vegetation在线翻译

4. I loved to see a road connecting a remote village, a power transmission line bringing light to farmhouses or irrigated farmland draped with luxuriant vegetation.

5. An individual contract system will be introduced whereby house holds are assigned tasks, receive subsidies and own the trees and other vegetation they plant.

6. Moves to stop grazing on some grasslands have restored prairie vegetation over huge areas and increased grass cover by 40 percent.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. It will return grain plots on hillsides to forestry and pasture in a planned progressive way to restore and expand vegetation coverage.

8. The area is listed as one of China's most environmentally vulnerable regions due to decreased vegetation coverage and increased soil erosion.

9. vegetation的解释

9. Only the vegetation crowning the cliffs are bathed in the golden light of the sun.

10. vegetation的意思

10. " There is a danger that the area's vegetation will be seriously destroyed, " Cui told China Daily.

vegetation 英英释义


1. inactivity that is passive and monotonous, comparable to the inactivity of plant life

    e.g. their holiday was spent in sleep and vegetation

2. vegetation

2. an abnormal growth or excrescence (especially a warty excrescence on the valves of the heart)

3. all the plant life in a particular region or period

    e.g. Pleistocene vegetation
           the flora of southern California
           the botany of China

    Synonym: flora botany

4. the process of growth in plants