
veneer [vəˈnɪə(r)]  [vəˈnɪr] 


veneer 基本解释


名词饰面,护面; 外饰,虚饰; 表层饰板; 薄木片

及物动词胶合; 给…镶以饰片; 虚饰,粉饰; 镶盖

veneer 网络解释


1. 胶合板:009.9万立方米下降到2,020.1万立方米,锯材(sawntimber)的产量从915.6万立方米下降到462.5万立方米,胶合板(veneer)的产量从206.3万立方米下降到64.4万立方米,模具(moulding)产量从高峰期的74.3万立方米下降到22万立方米,

2. 单板:胶合板(plywood)由三层或多层薄木胶合而成,现在生产的薄木绝大多数是旋制的薄木,常称为单板(veneer),通常用奇数层单板,相邻层单板的纤维方向互相垂直,常见三合、五合、七合等奇数层胶合板,其最外层单板称为表板,正面的表板称为面板,

3. 贴面:尽管已证实目前的漂白药物系统可以滲入到釉质, 牙本质和牙髓, 但牙本质的脱色需要较长时间的漂白,而且效果往往亦不尽人意.最终需要做贴面(Veneer) 或是牙冠(Crown)来解决美观问题尽管市场上牙齿增白的产品种类繁多,

4. 薄板:至于经由胶水、加热、加压或者结合这些方法产生的木质产品如胶合板(plywood)、碎料板(particle board)、定向条状板(oriented strand board)或薄板(veneer)等,应视为已得到充分加工从而消除了与原木有关的风险,不应加以管制.

veneer 词典解释

1. 虚饰;伪装;假象
    If you refer to the pleasant way that someone or something appears as a veneer, you are critical of them because you believe that their true, hidden nature is not good.

    e.g. He was able to fool the world with his veneer of education...
    e.g. His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.

2. 饰面薄板;镶板
    Veneer is a thin layer of wood or plastic which is used to improve the appearance of something.

    e.g. The wood was cut into large sheets of veneer...
    e.g. Only the finest timbers and veneers are used.

veneer 单语例句

1. Thailand has been administered since the coup under an interim constitution that keeps the military in control behind the veneer of temporary civilian rule.

2. They are either consumed with a guilty conscience or are given a veneer of healthiness and hence " coolness ".

3. When the first private schools charged exorbitant fees, they had the veneer of high quality and prestige.

4. Primary finishing materials such as Chinese granite, stainless steel and oak veneer are no longer uncommon in residential projects in China.

5. He deliberately mixes photojournalism with meticulously crafted studio photography, concentrating on social exclusion under the veneer of a beautiful appearance.

6. veneer

6. But behind that veneer, a lawyer and a church official said the women were trapped in abusive relationships.

7. The entrance itself is a granite arch with a glazed tile veneer, and most likely the first place visitors want to pause and take pictures.

8. Friendly conversations often turn into linguistic Cold Wars, hidden underneath a veneer of politeness.

9. veneer的解释

9. It won't have that veneer of a site that anyone can contribute to.

10. veneer什么意思

10. But beneath the veneer of this admirable surge is serious food squandering.

veneer 英英释义


1. an ornamental coating to a building

    Synonym: facing

2. veneer在线翻译

2. coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood

    Synonym: veneering


1. cover with veneer

    e.g. veneer the furniture to protect it