






vented 基本解释
表达,发泄( vent的过去式和过去分词 );
vented 网络解释

1. 出口:inhaling 吸入 | vented 出口 | stoves 火爐;爐灶

2. 出口;出路;漏孔:respiratory - 呼吸的 | vented - 出口;出路;漏孔 | premature - 比預期早的,過早的

3. 排氣孔:inhal 吸入 | vented 排氣孔 | stove 火爐

4. 通風孔:inhaling吸入 | vented通風孔 | stoves爐灶

vented 单语例句

1. Relatives of the trapped men vented frustration at civil protection officials and mine management.

2. Protesters have vented most of their anger on conservative clerics who control the key elements of power in Iran.

3. vented的近义词

3. People vented their disenchantment caused by economic stagnation and their discontent with the government, hoping that the administration could improve its governance.

4. The fierce anger and frustration vented across the information superhighway was excreted with the same rhetorical questions from bewildered fans.

5. And the few compatriots who have vented their anger by smashing Japanese brand cars on streets should be condemned for breaking the law.

6. The tragedies provoked outrage among local residents who vented their anger against rash driving online and complained to the local media.

7. vented是什么意思

7. So this angst toward the rich is vented at those who racked up their wealth illegally.

8. She said her husband recently gave her a reality check after she vented about a marathon meeting with President Barack Obama.

9. vented的意思

9. It is also highly explosive and must be extracted or vented during coal mining operations to ensure safe working conditions.

10. When Zhang remained obdurate in his rejection, she vented her anger by setting fire to his home.

vented 英英释义


1. supplied with a vent or vents for intake of air or discharge of gases