
venture [ˈventʃə(r)]  [ˈvɛntʃɚ] 







venture 基本解释


名词冒险; 冒险事业; 冒险行动; 商业冒险

及物动词冒…的危险; 拿…冒险; 用…进行投机; 以…做赌注

不及物动词冒险前进,冒险行事; 猜测(常与at连用)

venture 相关词组

1. at a venture : 冒险地, 胡乱地, 随便地;

venture 相关例句



1. They ventured their lives in exploring the desert.

2. He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks.


1. Nobody ventured to interrupt him.

2. He is too timid to venture upon a new undertaking.


1. They were the astronauts on the first venture to the moon.

venture 网络解释


1. 威卓:此外威卓(VENTURE)和ATC是否有合适的!总感觉这2个怪怪的,要玩好好象很难!

2. 万程:拥有多款万程(Venture)的雪佛兰,是小型客货车市场除戴姆勒克莱斯勒之外的第一选择. Venture可以根据轴距分为两类;其他不同之处主要在车上的设备搭配;所有Venture都使用同一种引擎--推杆式V6引擎. Venture的油耗估计值为,

venture 词典解释

1. 风险项目(或活动);冒险事业
    A venture is a project or activity which is new, exciting, and difficult because it involves the risk of failure.

    e.g. ...his latest writing venture.
    e.g. ...a Russian-American joint venture.

2. venture的翻译

2. 冒险去(某处)
    If you venture somewhere, you go somewhere that might be dangerous.

    e.g. People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks...
    e.g. Few Europeans who had ventured beyond the Himalayas had returned to tell the tale.

3. 斗胆提出(问题);冒险发表(陈述)
    If you venture a question or statement, you say it in an uncertain way because you are afraid it might be stupid or wrong.

    e.g. 'So you're Leo's girlfriend?' he ventured...
    e.g. He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air...

4. venture在线翻译

4. 勇于做;冒险做
    If you venture to do something that requires courage or is risky, you do it.

    e.g. 'Don't ask,' he said, whenever Ginny ventured to raise the subject.

5. 冒险尝试
    If you venture into an activity, you do something that involves the risk of failure because it is new and different.

    e.g. He enjoyed little success when he ventured into business.

venture 单语例句

1. venture的反义词

1. The companies and the municipal government of Chengdu in Southwest China plan to form a joint venture to produce business jets in that city.

2. venture的解释

2. No lawsuit business is permitted to be involved by the joint venture, said sources.

3. venture的意思

3. But the joint venture will not be allowed to conduct business with domestic enterprises or individuals after receiving its licence.

4. But as the influential chairman and general manager of the joint venture, Zong appears an inseparable driving force behind the entire Wahaha business.

5. He was also invited as an expert judge for the Global Venture Competition of the Business School of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

6. The vineyard is such a novel and successful venture that it now features in the MBA program of Harvard Business School.

7. venture的解释

7. The joint venture's role has been far beyond its own business scope.

8. venture的反义词

8. Fang said Shanghai would also allow joint venture brokers and fund firms to extend their business scope within the city.

9. The British group says the venture is part of a strategic plan to develop China's business travel market.

10. The ensuing dotcom bust wiped out thousands of companies, but Dai's fledgling venture was among those that survived.

venture 英英释义


1. any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome

2. venture的意思

2. a commercial undertaking that risks a loss but promises a profit

3. an investment that is very risky but could yield great profits

    e.g. he knew the stock was a speculation when he bought it

    Synonym: speculation


1. put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation

    e.g. I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again
           I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong

    Synonym: guess pretend hazard

2. proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers

    e.g. We ventured into the world of high-tech and bought a supercomputer

    Synonym: embark

3. put at risk

    e.g. I will stake my good reputation for this

    Synonym: hazard adventure stake jeopardize