
vertebra [ˈvɜ:tɪbrə]  [ˈvɜ:rtɪbrə] 



vertebra 基本解释


名词脊椎; 椎骨

vertebra 网络解释


1. 椎骨:(一)椎骨(vertebra)椎骨在幼儿时期总数为33~34块. 依所在部位由上而下分为颈椎7块、胸椎12块、腰椎5块、骶椎5块和尾椎4~5块,成年后5块骶椎融合成1块骶骨,所有尾椎融合为1块尾骨,所以成人椎骨总数为26块. (二) 胸骨(sternum)是1块扁骨,

2. 脊椎:脊柱由脊椎(vertebra)和其间的椎间盘(initervertebral disc)所组成. 除第 1颈椎外,每个脊椎分椎体及椎弓两部分. 椎弓由椎弓根、椎弓板、棘突、横突和关节突组成. 同侧上下两个关节突组成脊椎小关节,有关节软骨和关节囊. 在正位片上,

3. 脊椎骨:有些人由于脊椎骨( vertebra )损伤过度,不得不靠止痛药度日. (患骨质疏松症而驼背的案例,不在本文讨论范围之内. )人体的脊柱依部位可分为五类:颈脊( cervical spine )七椎、胸脊( thoracic spine )十二椎、腰脊( lumbar spine )五椎、骶骨( sacrum )五椎融铸成一、尾骶骨( coccyx )三或四椎融铸成一.

4. 椎骨,脊椎:verso 背面,书的左页,书的反页 | vertebra 椎骨,脊椎 | vertebral arteriogram needle 椎骨动脉描记图针

vertebra 词典解释


1. 脊椎;椎骨;脊柱
    Vertebrae are the small circular bones that form the spine of a human being or animal.

vertebra 单语例句

1. A checkup revealed that the panda suffers from fractures in the thoracic vertebra and that a cataract has blinded his right eye.


2. The spokesperson said that Jo just suffered a soft tissue injury to her neck, instead of a cervical vertebra fracture which was originally feared.

3. Jiang suffered injuries to his trachea and thigh, and fractures to his cervical vertebra during the attack.

4. Doctor Li Duoduo uses Chinese massage to treat a patient's cervical vertebra.

5. Liu checked Li's back to confirm his suspicion and found the third lumbar of the vertebra was out of alignment.

6. Hou broke one part of her lumbar vertebra and sufferred severe fractures in thighbone and anklebones.

7. Doctors at the Changping Chinese Medical Hospital said Chang's carotid artery had been severed and that a cervical vertebra had been fractured.

8. She cannot stand up because she is paralyzed below her thoracic vertebra.

9. Doctors at the time said the injuries Han had sustained breaking several cervical vertebra would lead to problems with his heart and his breathing.

vertebra 英英释义


1. one of the bony segments of the spinal column