very hard

very hard

very hard 单语例句

1. She added smoking can cause lots of gender specific damage that can hit a woman's health very hard.

2. Qi Qi practiced very hard on the artificial marimba and was turned into the best player in his class.

3. It didn't and experts say the biases and potential errors that rendered the study unreliable are difficult to avoid and very hard to adjust for.


4. Parking at this location is very limited and hard to come by, even on a weekday.

5. Such successes can only come through much hard work by all involved - the very people we celebrate on World Tuberculosis Day.

6. He lost his girlfriend because he received her love letter several months late as the bad weather made communications very hard.

7. very hard的解释

7. The archaeologists lament it is very hard to tell what the broken murals depict, as there are few documents and relics to compare them with.


8. If you have a cyst, it's very hard to conceive.

9. Although the conditions were very hard, no one complained in order to get perfect shooting.

10. I have worked very hard on correcting my previous wrongdoings and I will not be held hostage to my past.