
vice [vaɪs]  [vaɪs] 


vice 基本解释


名词恶习; 不道德行为; (肉体的)缺陷,疾病; (文体等的)缺点,瑕疵

介词代替; 取代

形容词副的; 代替的

及物动词用老虎钳夹紧; 钳制

vice 同义词

名词malpractice foible wrongdoing failing weakness crime shortcoming sin fault

vice 反义词


vice 相关例句


1. He is the vice-president in charge of sales.


1. This horse has no vices of shying and tossing.

2. There is a lot of vice in big cities.

3. Lying and cruelty are vices.

4. The president is ill, so the vice-president is acting on his behalf.

vice 网络解释

1. 虎钳:不像一般锯片那麼阔身.线锯床的线锯片是 上下拉动 ,可以在工件上切割出更复杂的曲线,有更大的自由度.任何时候,要避免 手指 或身体靠近锯片.必须待锯片锯动动作 完全停止后,方可取出工件.虎钳(Vice)的功用是 夹持工件 ,

2. 恶习:渐渐的,我们不再年轻,不再会有一天突然觉醒,只是一天一天的过,以前不齿的行为像强力胶一样牢牢的粘在身上,慢慢的,越来越多曾经不齿的恶习(vice)一点点的沁入我们的毛孔,连同我们的血液在身体里流淌,偶尔会讨厌自己,不齿自己,

3. vice:virus instruction code emulation; 先知扫描技术

4. vice:virus instructional code emulator; 病毒指导代码模拟技术

vice 词典解释

1. 缺点;瑕疵;弱点
    A vice is a habit which is regarded as a weakness in someone's character, but not usually as a serious fault.

    e.g. His only vice is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of business...
    e.g. Intellectual pretension was never one of his vices.

2. (尤指与色情业、卖淫行为相关的)犯罪活动,恶行
    Vice refers to criminal activities, especially those connected with pornography or prostitution.

    e.g. He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.
    e.g. ...allegations of how she worked in a 'seedy vice den'.

3. 老虎钳;台钳
    A vice is a tool with a pair of parts that hold an object tightly while you do work on it.

in AM, use 美国英语用 vise
vice 单语例句

1. vice是什么意思

1. The Chinese vice premier also spoke highly of the progress made by the two sides in bilateral business and trade relations in recent years.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. McCain has said publicly he had no intention of serving as vice president, at times leaving the door open just enough to create a constant buzz.

3. Reports on the arrest of Malaysian fishing boats by the Indonesian authority and vice versa, emerged several times this year and 2010.

4. Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang had called a special meeting to study countermeasures to the virus.

5. Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi delivered a key note speech calling for worldwide mutual cooperation and common development.

6. Vice President Xi Jinping also attended the seminar, calling upon Party organizations and Party members to learn from the Party's best members.

7. But after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the new government banned gambling as a vice related to feudalism and capitalism.

8. Johnson and Holder arrived on Capitol Hill on Monday and kicked off days of meetings with top Democrats on the vice presidential candidate.

9. Former US vice president and environmental activist Al Gore praised on Tuesday China's efforts the country has devoted to tackle climate change.

10. A call to Zijin Vice Chairman Lan Fusheng's cell phone wasn't answered.

vice 英英释义




1. a specific form of evildoing

    e.g. vice offends the moral standards of the community

2. moral weakness

    Synonym: frailty