
vigor ['vɪgə]  [ˈvɪɡɚ] 

vigor 基本解释

名词<美>(法律上的)效力; 智力; (语言等的)气势; (动,植物的)强健

vigor 相关例句


1. Pruning increases the vigor of a plant.

2. This law is still in vigor.

3. A succinct style lends vigor to writing.

4. The leader of the expedition must be a man of great vigor.

vigor 网络解释


1. 魄力(日本本田技研工业公司):Victory || 胜利(英国利兰公司商用车辆分部) | Vigor || 魄力(日本本田技研工业公司) | Viking || 海盗(英国利兰公司商用车辆分部)

2. 活力光环--精力:Resist Lightning--闪电光环--抵抗閃電; | Vigor--活力光环--精力; | Meditation--冥想光环--冥想;

3. 精力:vertigo#眩晕 | vigor#精力 | vivacity#快活

vigor 单语例句

1. Economists said business wants profits to improve and is looking for certainty about the recovery's vigor before going on a spending and hiring spree.

2. A city's renovation and cleanup are a lengthy process, but events such as the Olympics inject such endeavors with a new vigor.

3. Such efforts will turn China into a larger market and investment place, thus injecting vigor to a world economy clouded by debt crises and desperately needing engines.

4. The collective medical service system lost its vigor since the collapse of the people's communes two decades ago.

5. Zhou said that competition will bring pressure and also vigor and prosperity.


6. People were overjoyed at the good health and strong vigor of Comrade Xiaoping.

7. Hu said Hong Kong has prevailed over difficulties over the past decade and is now full of vigor and vitality.

8. vigor的翻译

8. Building a friendly business environment is in turn expected to attract more investors and inject more vigor into the dynamic port city.

9. And each time, he has bounced back with even more vigor.

10. More efforts would be spent to deepen economic system reform and enhance the momentum and vigor of economic growth.

vigor 英英释义



1. an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)

    e.g. his writing conveys great energy
           a remarkable muscularity of style

    Synonym: energy muscularity vigour vim

2. active strength of body or mind

    Synonym: vigour dynamism heartiness

3. vigor的翻译

3. forceful exertion

    e.g. he plays tennis with great energy
           he's full of zip

    Synonym: energy vigour zip