
vino [ˈvi:nəʊ]  [ˈvi:noʊ] 


vino 基本解释



vino 网络解释

1. 葡萄酒:在皮埃蒙特区葡萄酒(VINO)这个词意思是传统,但也意旨革新,这种传统与更新的结合使皮埃蒙特成为葡萄酒爱好者所渴望的理想目的地. 在1995年,本区大面积地区被认可为DOC,不仅在那些特产区,而且也在高产区,这样使专业的质检在大范围内成为可能.

2. 酒:除了它是少量的,奢华的,结构好的,比预想的酒劲更大(在你喝下去后30秒笼罩在意识中的容光焕发的感觉)这个事实外,别无其他. 所以我提出自己的问题,到底什么是真理?答案非常简单,维特根斯坦先生,真理(veritas)就在葡萄酒(vino)里.

3. 葡萄酒;酒:viktimo 祭祀用的牺牲;牺牲者,受害者 | vino 葡萄酒;酒 | vindo 襁褓,绷带,带,条

4. 廉价葡萄酒:viniferous /产葡萄酒的/适于酿造葡萄酒的/ | vino /廉价葡萄酒/ | vinosity /酒质/

vino 单语例句

1. Armed with some bottles of Changyu wine we headed to wine bar Palette Vino, a sanctuary of sipping in Beijing.

2. Residents of Jinqiao need not trek downtown just to enjoy a glass of vino.

3. " There was a little something missing from yesterday but that's cycling, "'Vino'said after crossing the line 13 seconds before the peloton.

4. vino的翻译

4. Most of that vino came from California, which accounts for about 90 percent of the US's total wine exports.

5. vino

5. There are plenty of places in the world where a banquet would be considered incomplete without a glass of vintage vino to wash it down.

vino 英英释义


1. fermented juice (of grapes especially)

    Synonym: wine