





violates 基本解释
违反;侵犯;亵渎( violate的第三人称单数 );强奸;
violates 网络解释

1. 违背;侵犯:vicious 不道德的 | violates 违背;侵犯 | violence 暴力

violates 单语例句

1. Building such expensive entertainment facilities violates the central government's call for frugal planning in public buildings.

2. Kennedy's lawyers say the death penalty for child rape violates the Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

3. Anyone who violates Chinese law must be punished according to law, the spokesperson said.

4. The smelly rubbish violates the rights of other passengers, thus it serves most citizen's benefits to prohibit this rag picker from riding the bus.

5. According to the " MOI ", the divorce apparently violates Article 87 of the Civil Law and thus was ruled invalid.

6. The city contends the ban violates the equal protection clause of the California Constitution.

7. violates的翻译

7. San Francisco has sued the state, saying the gay marriage ban violates the equal protection clause of the California Constitution.

8. violates的近义词

8. But some legal experts questioned whether this clause violates the right of free communication safeguarded in the Constitution.


9. If their behavior violates related security administration acts, the public security body can impose administrative punishment on them.

10. violates什么意思

10. Xie said such a statement violates the " common but differentiated responsibilities " and is aimed at making developing countries shoulder comparable responsibilities with developed countries.