
visionary [ˈvɪʒənri]  [ˈvɪʒəneri] 


visionary 基本解释


形容词有远见的; 空想的,幻想的; 预言性的; 有智慧的

名词空想家; 预言家; 有远见的人,有智慧的人

visionary 反义词


visionary 相关例句



1. True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation.

2. They are left-wing visionaries.

visionary 网络解释

1. 先知:才三十岁的杨致远,已被认定是网际网路的先知(visionary)之一,各地产业研讨会和科技展都邀请他出席演讲,大家都想听听这个三十岁的年轻人,对於网路未来发展的看法.

2. 千年梦想:09 龙的传人 The dragon | 10 千年梦想 Visionary | 11 落幕 终曲 Palace memories-denouement

3. 幻像:332.bardo 中阴 | 334.visionary 幻像 | 335.mahasiddhas 大成就者

visionary 词典解释

1. visionary是什么意思

1. 有远见的人;愿景家
    If you refer to someone as a visionary, you mean that they have strong, original ideas about how things might be different in the future, especially about how things might be improved.

    e.g. Visionaries are constantly fighting conventional wisdom because they see the world ahead in terms of what it can be...
    e.g. An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker. He is a visionary.

2. 有远见的;愿景的
    You use visionary to describe the strong, original ideas of a visionary.

    e.g. Many are hailing Rendell's ideas as visionary.
    e.g. ...the visionary architecture of Etienne Boulleé

visionary 单语例句

1. Visionary political leaders and responsible business leaders alike should work together toward this end.


2. Ban's active engagement in the fight against climate change indicates that he is a visionary.

3. The dream of European unity evidently induced some to remain silent in an effort to preserve the euro project's visionary goodwill.

4. Like so many online innovations, blogging did not spring full grown from some visionary's fertile forehead.


5. Under the visionary leadership of its founder Christopher Hogwood, it established itself as a leading authority on how music was originally performed.

6. The fundamental value in a bold, visionary national climate policy is that it builds the foundation for a sustainable future.

7. With a fresh visionary in the White House, let us see further into the future.

8. They will be visionary, innovative brands that solve important problems in ways that other companies cannot easily imitate.

9. In all likelihood it will be driven by individual visionary Asian business leaders.

10. Investment is not just about spending money, it should also involve detailed and visionary planning.

visionary 英英释义


1. a person with unusual powers of foresight

    Synonym: illusionist seer

2. a person given to fanciful speculations and enthusiasms with little regard for what is actually possible



1. not practical or realizable

    e.g. airy theories about socioeconomic improvement
           visionary schemes for getting rich

    Synonym: airy impractical Laputan windy