
visiting [ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ] [ˈvizitiŋ] 





visiting 基本解释


动词参观; 游览; 探望; 访问( visit的现在分词 )

visiting 网络解释


1. 主动拜访:4 Appointment约会见面 | 5 Visiting主动拜访 | 6 Entertaining招待客人

2. 访视:访问学者交换计划visiting scholar exchange program | 访视visiting | 设备标准the standard of school equipment

3. 拜访:visiting teacher 家庭访问教师 | visiting 拜访 | visitor 视察员

visiting 单语例句

1. The author is a visiting professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.

2. visiting

2. The visiting businessman said Dell is willing to further advance investment in China and is also committed to push forward bilateral economic and trade relations.

3. visiting的反义词

3. The actress will act as a guide for the tourists visiting a cosmetic surgery hospital in ROK for an overview of the procedure.

4. Visiting the World Expo in Shanghai is regarded as one of the best things to do next year by the book.

5. The 16 other current Cabinet members have decided against visiting the shrine.

6. visiting

6. Analysts say the move will embarrass Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who has banned cabinet members from visiting the shrine.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Mukherjee will call on Premier Wen Jiabao today before visiting military establishments in Lanzhou and Shanghai.

8. visiting的近义词

8. Juventus'Serie A clash at home to Parma on Sunday was called off following the death of a visiting fan at a service station.

9. Many ancient Chinese poets and writers enjoyed visiting the river and contributed lots of poems, paintings and calligraphic works on what they saw and thought here.

10. He used to appreciate it as an excellent calligraphic work, and said he was visiting the exhibition to learn more about its historical value.

visiting 英英释义


1. visiting的解释

1. the activity of making visits

    e.g. the purpose was to promote homes, clubs, visiting, and other services