
visor [ˈvaɪzə(r)]  [ˈvaɪzɚ] 



visor 基本解释



visor 网络解释

1. 护目镜:他们公开了他们的应用编程接口(API)代码,并且可以很容易地免费获得他Handspring公司利用其设备护目镜(Visor)也在做同样的事情. 它是派乐的竞争者. 它使用派乐操作系统. 公司将开放性又往前推进了一步,允

2. 帽舌:名称:帽舌(Visor) 功用:遮阳、挡泥、装饰 说明:为防止冲撞时,帽舌破裂的碎片伤害骑士脸部,帽舌不可固定死,并须为弹性材质,遇撞击时会弹开. 选购考量: 注意帽舌的固定方式是否恰当,以及材质的弹性,还有配戴时不可影响视野. 不光是自行车...

3. 护目镜、观察孔:vision 视觉,视力,显示 | visor 护目镜、观察孔 | voltage drop 电压降[`v?ultid?]

4. 遮阳板:visor 护目镜 | visor 遮阳板 | visual aid 目视航标

visor 词典解释

1. (头盔上的)面罩,面甲,护面
    A visor is a movable part of a helmet which can be pulled down to protect a person's eyes or face.

    e.g. He pulled on a battered old crash helmet with a scratched visor.

2. visor

2. (汽车内挡风玻璃上方的)遮阳板
    A visor is a piece of plastic or other material fixed above the windscreen inside a car, which can be turned down to protect the driver's eyes from bright sunshine.

    e.g. I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.

visor 单语例句

1. His sled remained in the track, and it appeared his helmet visor skidded down the ice.

2. He plucked the ball out of the cup with a smile, removed his visor and waved to the crowd.

visor 英英释义




1. a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes

    e.g. he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead

    Synonym: bill peak eyeshade vizor

2. a piece of armor plate (with eye slits) fixed or hinged to a medieval helmet to protect the face

    Synonym: vizor