vocal fold

vocal fold [ˈvəukəl fəuld]  [ˈvokəl fold] 

vocal fold 基本解释
vocal fold 网络解释

1. 声襞:上方一对粘膜皱襞称前庭襞(vestibular fold),活体呈粉红色,与发音无直接关系,左右前庭襞间的裂隙,称前庭裂(rima vestibuli下方一对粘膜皱襞称声襞(vocal fold),在活体颜色较苍白,比前庭襞更为突向喉腔.

2. 声带:声门 glottis | **声带 vocal fold | **气管 trachea

3. 声带,声襞:slit of glottis声门裂 | vocal fold 声带,声襞 | infraglottic cavity声门下腔

4. 声带褶:声带 vocal cords | 声带褶 vocal fold | 声韧带 vocal ligament

vocal fold 英英释义


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. either of two pairs of folds of mucous membrane projecting into the larynx

    Synonym: vocal cord vocal band plica vocalis