
vodka [ˈvɒdkə]  [ˈvɑ:dkə] 


vodka 基本解释



vodka 网络解释


1. 俄得克酒:一、酒吧 (一)酒吧表现形式 (二)如何创建一个酒吧二、洋酒知识 (一)威士忌酒(WHISKY) (二)干邑白兰地酒(COGNAC) (三)亚文邑白兰地酒(ARMAGNAC) (四)老姆酒(RUM) (五)金酒(GIN) (六)俄得克酒(VODKA) (七)特其拉酒(TEQUILA) (八)

2. 伏特加酒:(3) 伏特加酒(Vodka) 伏特加酒分两大类,一类是无色、无杂味的上等伏特加,另一类是加入各种香料的伏特加. 伏特加是俄国具有代表性的烈性酒,原料是土豆和玉米. 将蒸馏而成的伏特加原酒,经过8个小时以上的缓慢过滤,

3. 苏联关系:nowhiskey -美国关系 -20 | vodka -苏联关系 +20 | novodka -苏联关系 -20

vodka 词典解释

1. 伏特加(一种烈性酒)
    Vodka is a strong, clear, alcoholic drink.

vodka 单语例句

1. Russian vodka manufacturers however said they were confident they would not go bust any time soon.

2. Having champagne or vodka in two'spirit centric'bars in downtown Beijing.

3. Swatch put Guevara on a wristwatch and Smirnoff vodka featured the picture in an advertising campaign.

4. vodka的翻译

4. Lindsay Lohan has reportedly been captured on CCTV drinking vodka while out partying at a Washington DC nightclub.

5. This market devotes itself to fans of China's neighbor to the north, especially the die hard vodka lovers.

6. Martina was drinking vodka at 7 am in an airport lounge somewhere in the Philippines when she finally realized she needed help.

7. But alcohol commission agent Scott Jones pointed out that investigators confiscated 429 bottles of snake vodka and one bottle of snake tequila.

8. Every inch of storage behind the bar is crammed with bottles of whiskey, vodka and tequila.

9. Australian doctors used an intravenous feed of vodka to keep an Italian tourist alive after he consumed a poisonous substance.

10. He sits on the front porch of a dilapidated house outside New Orleans, drunk all day on cheap vodka.

vodka 英英释义


1. unaged colorless liquor originating in Russia