
voicemail [ˈvɔɪsmeɪl] ['vɔɪsmel] 

voicemail 基本解释
voicemail 网络解释


1. 语音邮件:(专利申请中) 将商业用的语音、文本、即时通信 (IM)、语音邮件(voicemail)、电邮和文档传输工具等结合在单一定制平台中,并可在任何通信设备如电话、PC 和 PDA 上推行.

2. 语音信箱:超霸软交换(kingswitch)运行于LINUX操作系统之上,推荐操作系统:LINUXAS4LINUXAS5.kingswitch功能最强大、最完善、集成度最高的网路语音软体作品. 功能包括voip交换系统、呼叫中心(CallCenter)、电脑总机(IPPBX)、多方会议(Meeting)、语音信箱(voicemail)、语音短信(voi...

3. 语音留言:如果您购买了一个SkypeIn号码,则会同时得到免费使用的Skype语音留言(Voicemail)服务. 假如您正忙着或不在线上,而朋友或客户打电话找您,语音信箱系统将自动接听电话,并提示他们留言. 等您空了上线了,您就可以收听留言. 多么方便啊!

4. 語音郵件 語音郵件:reject 拒絕 拒絕 | voicemail 語音郵件 語音郵件 | online 在線 在線 線上(mstw)

voicemail 单语例句

1. US residents have made voicemail a way of life, where it often replaces the busy signal.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. News of the World operatives reportedly deleted some messages from the phone's voicemail, giving the girl's parents false hope that she was still alive.

3. What with the alleged stalker and getting her BlackBerry and voicemail hacked into, it's a wonder she makes it out of the house at all.

4. And many of us do not really know what to make of the voicemail interception that toppled it.

5. Then came an ominous voicemail - no words, just the sound of wind.

6. The tabloid's operatives reportedly deleted some messages from the phone's voicemail, giving the girl's parents false hope that she was still alive.

7. voicemail

7. ArcelorMittal spokesman William Steers didn't return a voicemail message seeking comment.

voicemail 英英释义



1. a computerized system for answering and routing telephone calls
    telephone messages can be recorded and stored and relayed

    Synonym: voice mail