
vole [vəʊl]  [voʊl] 


vole 基本解释


名词野鼠类; 全胜; 大满贯; 孤注一掷

vole 网络解释

1. 田鼠:常指齧齿目(Rodentia)鼠科(Muridae)水鼠亚科(Hydromyinae)约8个属的澳大利亚和东方啮齿动物,也指麝鼠(muskrat)和水(参阅田鼠(vole)条). 澳大利亚-新几内亚水鼠或称河貍鼠,属水鼠亚科水鼠属(Hydromys),有3种,主要肉食性.

2. 野鼠:但是在美国黄石国家公园却上演了神奇一幕:一只勇敢的小野鼠(vole)同一只草原狼(coyote)对峙,最终凭借勇气和运气,这只小老鼠并没有被吃掉,从狼爪下逃生.

3. 全胜:volcanology 火山学 | vole 全胜 | volitant 能飞的

4. 飞翔:13 Et Je T'aime Encore 我仍爱你 | 14 Vole 飞翔 | 15 Je Lui Dirai 我告诉他

vole 词典解释

1. vole的意思

1. 田鼠
    A vole is a small animal that looks like a mouse but has very small ears and a short tail. Voles usually live in fields or near rivers.

vole 单语例句

1. Unusually warm winter has led to an explosion in the vole population in central Spain, one of the country's main agricultural regions.

2. The play is about Leonard Vole, who is arrested for the murder of an elderly woman for her money.

vole 英英释义



1. any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows

    Synonym: field mouse