1. 呕吐:概述: 呕吐(vomiting)是小儿时期常见的症状之一,如得不到及时正确鶒的治疗则会影响患儿营养物质的摄入鶒,严重者则引起脱水和电解质紊乱. 诊断: 首先鉴别健康搜索是溢乳还是呕吐是喂养不当还是疾病因素引起;
2. 吐:第四节 呕吐 呕吐(Vomiting)是小儿常见症状之可由于消化系统疾病引起,也可见于全身各系统和器官的疾病. 其可以单一的症状,也可以是多种危重疾病的复杂症状之一. 故稍有疏忽,常可延误诊断,甚或危及生命. 因此对呕吐必须认真分析,
3. (他有恶心和呕吐. ):The?pain?is?mainly?in?the?lower?(upper)?right?part?of?the?abdomen.?(痛是在肚子下半... | He?has?nausea?and?vomiting.?(他有恶心和呕吐. )? | It?is?difficult?or?painful?for?him?to?swallow.?(他吞下食物时会痛...
4. 呕吐了吗:Under the tongue.|放在舌头下面 | Vomiting?|呕吐了吗? | How many times?Once, twice?|有几次?一次 两次?
1. The paper ran a large photo of Beckham and teammate Ashley Cole celebrating the goal, with an inset photo of Beckham vomiting on the pitch.
2. Encephalitis causes high fevers and vomiting and ultimately can leave patients comatose.
3. Residents along the route reportedly suffered headaches, fever and vomiting after drinking contaminated water supplies.
4. The Dane was rushed to hospital on his arrival in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday after suffering severe headaches and vomiting on the flight from Europe.
5. No one likes vomiting in some dank, dirty bathroom while their friends enjoy delicious food.
6. Dengue is a serious infectious disease that causes high fever and can lead to vomiting and nausea.
7. People infected by the dengue fever virus will suffer from headache, fever and vomiting.
8. Most patients came from eight downtown communities in Chifeng and suffered from fever, diarrhea or vomiting after drinking tap water at home last weekend.
9. The villagers'symptoms included nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after eating rice noodles from a local food processing workshop on Tuesday.
10. vomiting是什么意思
10. Nearly 100 students from Sichuan University sought medication for vomiting and diarrhea Wednesday afternoon, the provincial health department said in a statement Thursday.
1. the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth
Synonym: vomit emesis regurgitation disgorgement puking