vote down

vote down [vəut daun]  [vot daʊn] 

vote down 基本解释

vote down什么意思


vote down 网络解释

1. 否决:value oneself on 自夸 | vote down 否决 | vote in 选出,选举

2. 否决,投票击败:vote against sth. 投票反对 | vote down 否决,投票击败 | vote in 投票选出

3. 投票否决:vote against 投票反对 | vote down 投票否决 | vote for 投票赞成

4. 投票反对:coalition government联合政府 | vote down投票反对 | reshuffle (政府)改组

vote down 词典解释

1. 投票否决;投票拒绝
    If people vote down a person or their proposal, they reject that person or proposal, usually as a result of a formal vote.

    e.g. The Congress voted down a motion to change the union's structure...
    e.g. If he demands too much, the unions will vote him down.

vote down 单语例句

1. Republican congressmen are ready to vote down any real fiscal expansion plan.


2. It could come down to moderate conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy, who often casts the decisive vote.

3. vote down的反义词

3. But if the party's amendments are voted down in the end, he said the Liberal Party would still vote in support of the government bill.

4. Congress would have 10 days to hold an up or down vote on the package of proposed changes.

5. German lawmakers are preparing to vote on the government's plan to shut down the country's nuclear power plants by 2022.

6. The last one was to vote down the US and the UK's UN Security Council draft on Syria.

7. The Screen Actors Guild continued to negotiate with studios Monday and has urged its members to vote down the AFTRA deal.

8. vote down什么意思

8. Sharon rejects the idea as a delaying tactic, and lawmakers are expected to vote it down.

9. The AFTRA petition said a " no " vote would effectively shut down Hollywood.

10. vote down什么意思

10. There are 18 candidates for the October vote, but the field is expected to be whittled down as the weakest candidates form alliances.

vote down 英英释义


1. vote against

    e.g. The faculty turned thumbs down on the candidate for the Dean position

    Synonym: turn thumbs down

2. thwart the passage of

    e.g. kill a motion
           he shot down the student's proposal

    Synonym: kill shoot down defeat vote out