vote for

vote for [vəut fɔ:]  [vot fɔr] 

vote for 基本解释

投票赞成; 建议

vote for 网络解释

vote for的意思

1. 投票赞成:18.put in插嘴; | for投票赞成; | on words说俏皮话;

2. 投赞成票:In order to support his family, he works very hard. 为了维持家庭,他工作十分努力. | ⑶ vote for 投赞成票 | for 是介词,后面可接人名、事件等等. 例如:

3. 为...投票 good at = do well in = learn sth. well 擅长 / 学好 | for 为 ... 投票 | 46.round face 圆脸

4. 投票选举某人:vote against 投票反对某人 | vote for 投票选举某人 | Voting Rights Bill 选举权法案

vote for 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Some candidates buy off both those above them and those who vote for them.

2. vote for的翻译

2. He said migrant people were allowed for the first time to vote in Beijing, with a certificate of qualified voters issued by the authority of their hometown.

3. The provision was passed by the US House of Representatives in June and is up for a vote by the US Senate next month.

4. It said a party official in a poor Cairo neighborhood gave women nearly $ 10 each to vote for Mubarak.

5. They could call for a floor vote Monday, or it could still be a day or two away.

6. vote for

6. But it did not call for a new vote, as some Sunnis had demanded.

7. The company has called a special shareholder meeting for Friday to vote on the proposal.

8. Problems including widespread disorganization and outright fraud that disenfranchised thousands of voters led several candidates to call for cancellation of the vote.

9. The North Carolina senator was planning to send a letter to his delegates asking them to vote for Kerry on the first convention ballot.

10. Abdullah's conditions also include the suspension of several ministers and for more safeguards around the actual vote.