
voting [ˈvəʊtɪŋ]  [ˈvoʊtɪŋ]







voting 基本解释


voting 网络解释


1. 表决:Web 投票(polling)或 Web 表决(voting)为从网站访问者那里获得反馈提供了一种很好的方式. 本文展示了如何使用 IBM DB2 UDB、PHP 和 Linux 将这项功能添加到 Web 站点中. 您将研究的设计包括:使用数据库存储选票信息,

voting 单语例句

1. Spain and Poland are determined to hang on to voting rights that give them a disproportionate weight inside EU councils by comparison with their populations.

2. voting

2. The show provides them with an opportunity to release their desire by means of voting.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. However, none of the presidential candidates gathered simple majority support from the 578 voting CA members.

4. voting的翻译

4. New People's Party Chairman Regina Ip said she was pleased that the government has heeded the call to delay voting.

5. It is also concerned voting by phone is an underhand way of making money, in the form of call charges.

6. voting什么意思

6. Thousands of people cast their ballots at a voting center set up on a village school campus on 9 am and 3 pm Saturday.

7. He also said the current proposal will not touch on the cancellation of the functional constituencies and the division voting system.

8. The Kunming committee of National People's Congress will carry out the first round of voting for the new law on Thursday.

9. Increasingly enlarging loss margins have been introduced in various CPC elections, including the ongoing voting for the all - powerful CPC central committee this weekend.

10. voting

10. The failure to reach a quorum would cast a poor light on Lindner, who was charged with organising the voting.

voting 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative

    e.g. there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion
           they allowed just one vote per person

    Synonym: vote ballot balloting