
vulture [ˈvʌltʃə(r)]  [ˈvʌltʃɚ] 


vulture 基本解释


名词秃鹰,秃鹫; 贪婪的人; 劫掠者

vulture 网络解释


1. 雷车:Terran的SCV在探路过程中意外发现对手将Citadel of Adun(升级Zealot移动速度的建筑)隐藏在基地的内部,并且以单兵营(Gateway)开局,那么,Terran选手接下来应该给予的最佳对策是:(A)速出雷车(Vulture),研究埋雷(Spider Mines),

2. 秃鹫车:-修复一个能让秃鹫车(vulture)导致游戏崩溃的漏洞.-修复一个能让其它单位设置集结点(set rally points)的漏洞.-修复一种能导致苹果电脑(Macintosh)用户玩家游戏崩溃混合命令

vulture 词典解释

1. 兀鹫;秃鹫
    A vulture is a large bird which lives in hot countries and eats the flesh of dead animals.

2. 趁火打劫的人;乘人之危的人
    If you describe a person as a vulture, you disapprove of them because you think they are trying to gain from another person's troubles.

    e.g. With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.

vulture 单语例句

1. Vulture funds buy cheap debt in the hope its value will increase in the short to medium term.

2. She winced after hearing a car had hit a kitty, and raced to scare off a vulture with a suspicious whisker in its teeth.

3. vulture的近义词

3. Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has insisted the embargo of the ship is illegitimate, saying Argentina will not negotiate with what she calls " vulture funds ".

4. The griffon vulture's home was decorated with red lanterns and other materials suitable for a traditional Chinese wedding.

vulture 英英释义


1. any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion


2. someone who attacks in search of booty

    Synonym: marauder predator piranha