wall bars

wall bars[wɔ:l bɑ:z] 

wall bars 基本解释
wall bars 网络解释


1. 肋木:trapeze 秋千 | wall bars 肋木 | side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马

2. 肋木的:trapeze 秋千的 | wall bars 肋木的 | side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马的

3. 狼呔:秋千trapeze | 狼呔wall bars | 鞍马side horse pommelled horse

4. 肋木mjS中国学习动力网:trapeze 秋千mjS中国学习动力网 | wall bars 肋木mjS中国学习动力网 | side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马mjS中国学习动力网

wall bars 单语例句

1. In bars and restaurants, legs of ham hanging from the wall are as common as TV sets.