
wallet [ˈwɒlɪt]  [ˈwɑ:lɪt] 



wallet 基本解释



wallet 相关例句


1. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post-office.

2. He opened his wallet.

wallet 情景对话


A:Hello, Elizabeth. How are you?

B:Fine, thanks.

A:Are you sure you’re all right? You look a bit worried today. Is anything wrong?

B:Well, yes, there is something wrong actually. Perhaps you can give me some advice.

A:Of course, if I can.

B:Well, last night when I returned from the theatre, I found that I’d lost my wallet.

A:Oh dear! That’s terrible! What was in your wallet?

B:Well, some money, of course, my visa, all my identity cards and some photos.

A:Well, if I were you, I’d go to the police station straight away and report it.

B:Yes, I’ve already done that, and they said they’d look for it. But we’re leaving soon and I need my visa and identity cards badly.

A:Oh dear! What a pity! Are you sure you lost the wallet in the theatre?

B:Yes, quite sure.

A:I think you should put an advertisement in the China Daily, saying when and where you lost it.

B:But that takes too long.

A:Wait a minute! My uncle lives in Beijing and he lives very close to the theatre. I’ll telephone him and ask him to go there to inquire about it. You’d better have breakfast now and I’ll meet you later.

B:Oh, thank you. I hope he finds it.

wallet 网络解释

1. (电子钱包):5-3-1解杭州公交卡余额查询析Java电子钱包(Wallet)5-3-2编译-1ava电子钱包(Wallet)5-3-3运行Java电子钱包(Wallet)8-1-2通用连接框架(GCF)简介

2. 皮夹:紧接的镖客(Yojimbo)、皮夹(Wallet)、支票本(CheckBook)都是信息管理的好手. 其中支票本是个账房先生,专作记账,应付日常收支绰绰有余了;皮夹则是块书记员的料,序列号、网络帐号信息、信用卡、ToDo事项和购物清单等信息都能分门别类的登记在册,

wallet 词典解释

1. 钱包;皮夹
    A wallet is a small flat folded case, usually made of leather or plastic, in which you can keep banknotes and credit cards.

wallet 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Officers traced the cab driver who found the wallet in his vehicle and realized the purse actually belonged to someone else.

2. One officer cadet had his wallet, jacket and mobile stolen from a lounge while he was eating lunch in the mess.

3. It also works like a wallet as you can deposit money in it since you cannot use cash inside the park.

4. Gao happened to catch sight of the pickpocket stealing a wallet from a man ahead of him and his mother.

5. I did not use a wallet before I went to college and used to stuff all my change into pockets.

6. A thief with a conscience mailed a wallet and other property to a student he robbed in Jiangsu province.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. The new approach is designed to admonish motorists without hitting them in the wallet.

8. It's your own fault you lost your wallet, she says when I ask her to contact the cleaning crew.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. I cheered up a little and the following day returned with said document in order to pad out my wallet with some red notes.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Beijing's ladies are no strangers to the healing properties of a facial, but regular spa visits can deplete the wallet.

wallet 英英释义


1. a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money

    Synonym: billfold notecase pocketbook